

The Tour de France is starting in Yorkshire in July 2014, so we've thrown together a quick page of Yorkshire-themed activities to help you get the children involved. You'll find links to the House of York and some famous people from Yorkshire, some crafts to accompany a Yorkshire theme - including the white Yorkshire rose - and some Yorkshire printables too.

Yorkshire Printables

Yorkshire Flag Printable

Yorkshire Flag Printable

The heraldic white rose of York has been adopted onto the Yorkshire flag, which has a rich blue background.

Yorkshire Signposts

Yorkshire Signposts

Just for fun, these printable signposts might come in useful for your Yorkshire displays!

Yorkshire Craft Ideas

The oldest lighthouse in the world:
Did you know that the oldest surviving complete lighthouse in the world is in Yorkshire? Flamborough Head lighthouse, built in 1669, is on the coast between Filey Bay and Bridlington Bay, in the East Riding of Yorkshire.

Make a Yorkshire lighthouse
Make a Lighthouse

Traditional sweets:
Did you know that, back in the 1700s, a local chemist in Pontefract was the first to mix liquorice with sugar to make lozenges, thereby inventing the liquorice sweets that we enjoy today? Why not have a go at our liquorice art project before eating the artwork!

Yorkshire liquorice
Liquorice Art

Famous for its metalwork:
Sheffield has been famous for metalwork since at least the 14th Century. Sarah decided to make this beautiful "metalwork" butterfly and dragonfly with the kids and they double-duty as very pretty suncatchers!

Metalwork butterfly and dragonfly
Metalwork Butterflies and Dragonflies

The white rose of York:
Originally the heraldic symbol of the House of York, the white rose has long since been adopted as the symbol of Yorkshire as a whole. We've got Yorkshire rose printables elsewhere on the page, but you could also have a go at some of our rose crafts...

Yorkshire rose crafts
Rose Crafts

Famous People from Yorkshire

Yorkshire is the birthplace of Captain James Cook, explorer of the New World!

Captain James Cook
Captain James Cook

Three very famous literary sisters were born in Yorkshire and spent most of their lives there. I've enjoyed learning about them as I put together a page on Charlotte and Emily Brontë, complete with colouring pages, printables and worksheets.

Charlotte Bronte
Charlotte Bronte

Emily Bronte
Emily Bronte

How about taking a quick tour through three Kings of England from the House of York?

House of York
House of York

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