Guest Post - Roald Dahl Activities


There are lots of activities about well-loved author Roald Dahl available on Activity Village. Shelly and her family enjoy some of them in this guest blog post.

Out and About with our Scavenger Hunts

Roald Dahl Activities

By Shelly

Over the summer holidays we borrowed a few Roald Dahl books from our local library and both my kids loved them. They found the characters so magical and the stories sparked their imaginations. We have had detailed accounts of dreams which my youngest has caught in his net just like the BFG. So as it is Roald Dahl’s birthday this week (13th of September) I thought I would share a few Roald Dahl activities that we have been doing over the past few weeks.

Roald Dahl Quote Bookmarks

We never seem to have enough bookmarks in the house so we thought it would be fun to create a few Roald Dahl bookmarks especially for our new Roald Dahl stories. My daughter loved the Roald Dahl lunch box quotes that she spotted on the website so we printed off the page and stuck them onto some coloured card – really quick and easy but both kids love the fact that we now have special bookmarks for the Roald Dahl books.

Roald Dahl lunch box quotes from Activity Village turned into bookmarks
Roald Dahl lunch box quotes turned into bookmarks

Dream Jars

As I mentioned, the idea of catching dreams really caught my son’s imagination so we had some fun creating our own dream jars for him to store all the dreams that he caught. We kept it really simple – I recycled some old jam jars (tip - soak the old glass bottles in a some warm soapy water with a bit of white vinegar added to remove the labels – the white vinegar really helps with getting the last bits of glue and label off the glass). And to decorate we used our sharpies. My son really wanted the dream jars to reflect the dreams that were inside so it was very much colour orientated – light blues, greens and yellows for happy dreams and dark violets and blacks for nightmares (oh - and if it is an action adventure dream it needs to have bright red added in!)

Creating his own BFG dream jars
Creating his own BFG dream jars

And then I gave him post-it notes and he wrote out key words and folded them inside the dream jars.

My daughter joined in but she wanted a picture on her jar so we cut out the picture from the top of the BFG Character Study page and glued that onto her dream jar.

Our BFG dream jars
Our BFG dream jars

BFG Picture With Added Tissue Texture

Sticking with the BFG, we really loved the BFG colouring page and had some fun adding tissue paper to the colouring in (tip – we find it better to the add the glue to the page and then add the tissue paper, adding glue directly to tissue paper gets very messy and the tissue paper often ends up clumpy).

BFG colouring page from Activity Village with added tissue paper for interest and texture
BFG colouring page with added tissue paper for interest and texture

Design Your Own Chocolate Bar

I knew this "design a chocolate bar" sheet would appeal to my little baker. She came up with a bunch of very unique ideas, most of which were a bit hard to depict on paper but she thinks her favourite is the different colours for different flavours bar.

Designing chocolate bars with the Activity Village printable
Designing chocolate bars

She also made one where she added some craft jewels to her chocolate bar but she was not completely happy with how that turned out (I loved it).

Chocolate bar designs


There are a number of great Roald Dahl story worksheets on the website but our two favourites have to be the Roald Dahl book report pages and the Roald Dahl character study pages. We love having a chat about the book and the main characters after we have finished reading the books and then the kids can jot down a few sentences of their own on the worksheets.

Roald Dahl character study page for James Henry Trotter
Roald Dahl character study page for James Henry Trotter

Out and About with our Scavenger Hunts

This is a guest post from Shelly. Shelly is a home educating parent of two children aged 6 and 9. She blogs at ofamily learning together where she shares ideas on the different learning activities that they do including lots of hand-on Maths, arts and crafts and anything else that is part of their home educating lifestyle.

You can find more guest posts by Shelly, and a list of all our guest posts, here.


Guest Post - Roald Dahl Activities

Roald Dahl activities from Shelly for Activity Village

Tuesday, 11th September 2018

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