Thanksgiving Colouring Pages


Lots NEW! Here's our original collection of Thanksgiving colouring pages (coloring pages) for you to print for your children. They make a lovely activity while waiting for Thanksgiving dinner to cook, perhaps, or to entertain the children whilst the adults enjoy a longer meal!

We have Thanksgiving coloring sheets for all ages from preschooler to grandma, featuring Thanksgiving dinner, pilgrims and Native Americans, Happy Thanksgiving coloring page designs, harvest colouring pages and even the Mayflower!

We also have Thanksgiving Colour by Number and Thanksgiving Color by Pattern pages kept especially simple for younger children. And some great Thanksgiving Colouring Cards too, which make a great project for the kids to colour for family and friends.

Our Thanksgiving Colouring Pages

4 Thanksgiving Turkey Colouring Pages

4 Thanksgiving Turkey Colouring Pages

These 4 turkey colouring pages are such fun - we are sure the kids will enjoy colouring them in over Thanksgiving. They make a lovely activity for the family to enjoy together while waiting for that Thanksgiving meal to cook, perhaps, or while watching the game afterwards!

Be Grateful Colouring Page

Be Grateful Colouring Page

We designed this lovely colouring page with Thanksgiving in mind, but of course it is now known that being grateful - and thinking about gratitude or even writing down a list of things we are grateful for every day - can make a huge difference to happiness.

Cornucopia Colouring Page

Cornucopia Colouring Page

Here's a lovely cornucopia colouring page for the kids to colour in, brimming over with a bounty of fruit and vegetables...

Cornucopia Colouring Page 2

Cornucopia Colouring Page 2

This Thanksgiving cornucopia colouring page is groaning with good autumn / fall produce for the kids to colour in!

First Thanksgiving Food Colouring Page

First Thanksgiving Food Colouring Page

This fun colouring page shows a collection of food for Thanksgiving dinner - just as might have been served at the first Thanksgiving dinner. There are pumpkins, corn cobs and turkey!

Happy Thanksgiving Colouring Page

Happy Thanksgiving Colouring Page

This Happy Thanksgiving colouring page design features some special Thanksgiving images, including a cornucopia, pumpkin pie and a pilgrim's hat!

Happy Thanksgiving Colouring Page 2

Happy Thanksgiving Colouring Page 2

Just for fun, we've pre-coloured the background of this lovely Thanksgiving colouring page. It means that children can really go to town with the details!

Harvest Basket Colouring Page

Harvest Basket Colouring Page

This harvest baskets colouring page is sure to keep the kids busy - identifying the fruit and vegetables and choosing the right colours for them! Perfect for a Harvest Festival display, perhaps?

Harvest Colouring Challenge

Harvest Colouring Challenge

The children can practise their colouring and observations skills by trying to copy the harvest fruit and vegetables so they match the picture below. 

Harvest Festival Colouring Page

Harvest Festival Colouring Page

Children can celebrate the Harvest Festival with the help of this colouring page featuring a bounty of donated fruit and vegetables.

Native American Boy Colouring Page

Native American Boy Colouring Page

Here's a cute Native American boy coloring page, just one of a set of Thanksgiving coloring pages for younger kids at Activity Village.

Native American Children Thanksgiving Colouring Page

Native American Children Thanksgiving Colouring Page

The generosity and help of the local Native Americans saved the pilgrims and helped them survive in their new home. The children can colour in this lovely Thanksgiving colouring page as part of the celebrations. 

Picking Apples Colouring Page

Picking Apples Colouring Page

Print and colour this delightful, detailed scene of children helping to pick apples in an apple orchard, with a farm in the background.

Picking Corn Colouring Page

Picking Corn Colouring Page

Print and colour picture of three children in a corn field picking ears of corn - colouring fun for fall, Thanksgiving and Harvest Festival!

Pilgrim and Indian Colouring Page

Pilgrim and Indian Colouring Page

This pilgrim and Indian colouring page shows a picture of the first Thanksgiving, at which the Native Americans helped the new settlers survive a long winter by teaching them the ways of the local foods.

Pilgrim Children Colouring Page

Pilgrim Children Colouring Page

Here's a Thanksgiving colouring page showing two cute pilgrim children in their traditional clothes for kids to colour in.

Pilgrim Ship Colouring Page

Pilgrim Ship Colouring Page

The Pilgrims may have landed on the shores of America in just such a ship as the one on this colouring page. Children will enjoy colouring the masts, sails and flags...

Pilgrim Ship Colouring Page

Pilgrim Ship Colouring Page

The Mayflower pilgrim ship is a popular colouring page at Thanksgiving. Here's a simple version for younger children.

Pilgrims Colouring Challenge

Pilgrims Colouring Challenge

Here's a Thanksgiving colouring activity with a difference! The kids need to colour the pilgrims to match the ones on the picture by using their observations skills. Choose from US or UK versions below.

Pumpkin 2D Shapes Colouring Pages

Pumpkin 2D Shapes Colouring Pages

The kids can practise their shape recognition skills and enjoy some colouring too with this bumper pack of 17 pumpkin colouring pages.

Pumpkin Colouring Challenge

Pumpkin Colouring Challenge

Can the kids colour the pumpkin to match the one in the picture? They'll need to use their observation skills.

Pumpkin Colouring Page

Pumpkin Colouring Page

Although most pumpkins are orange, they also come in shades of green, white, yellow and red. Which colour will your child use for this colouring page?

Pumpkin Pie Colouring Page

Pumpkin Pie Colouring Page

Do you like pumpkin pie? Here's a colouring page with a very tasting looking pie ready for the children to colour in.

Pumpkins Frame

Pumpkins Frame

Pumpkins and squash come in all kinds of weird and wonderful shapes and colours nowadays, from the traditional orange to greens, yellows and white 'ghost' pumpkins. Which colours will you choose to colour in this frame?

Simple Cornucopia Colouring Page

Simple Cornucopia Colouring Page

This simple cornucopia colouring page is ideal for younger children. So many Thanksgiving cornupia colouring pages are full of details but this one has been kept very simple, with big bold outlines and recognisable fruit and veg.

Thankful Doodle Colouring Page

Thankful Doodle Colouring Page

Here is a lovely doodle colouring page based around the word "Thankful" for your Thanksgiving colouring fun. With lots of detail it is perfect for older children or adults.

Thanksgiving Animal Friends Colouring Page

Thanksgiving Animal Friends Colouring Page

This is such a fun Thanksgiving colouring page for the kids! Three animal friends have arrived with Thanksgiving dinner offerings and a big banner wishing you a Happy Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving boy with corn colouring page

Thanksgiving Boy With Corn Colouring Page

Corn is often served for Thanksgiving dinner and is a staple of the harvest season. The little boy on this colouring page is holding an ear of corn, ready to be coloured in with a nice bright yellow crayon. 

Thanksgiving Boy With Turkey Colouring Page

Thanksgiving Boy With Turkey Colouring Page

This Thanksgiving colouring page is perfect for younger children and would be fun coloured and then cut out to be used as part of a display. It shows a young pilgrim boy bringing a turkey to the Thanksgiving table.

Thanksgiving Colouring Bookmarks

Thanksgiving Colouring Bookmarks

Here is a set of 4 bookmarks for Thanksgiving. The first is ready to print and enjoy. The other 3 have blank letters for the kids to colour in, doodle around etc.

Thanksgiving Colouring Challenge

Thanksgiving Colouring Challenge

The children will need to take their time and look carefully to complete this Thanksgiving colouring challenge. Can they colour the turkey to match the one in the picture?  Choose from UK and US versions below.

Thanksgiving Colouring Page 1

Thanksgiving Colouring Page 1

This Thanksgiving colouring page for younger children shows a fruitful pumpkin patch and a pumpkin pie about to be enjoyed by a pilgrim couple! We hope the kids enjoy colouring it in...

Thanksgiving Colouring Page 2

Thanksgiving Colouring Page 2

Here's a lovely Thanksgiving colouring page for younger children showing a pilgrim family sitting down to their first Thanksgiving dinner, complete with a splendid turkey!

Thanksgiving Colouring Placemat 1

Thanksgiving Colouring Placemat 1

There is so much detail to colour in on this Thanksgiving colouring placemat! Perfect for keeping the kids busy while they wait for their Thanksgiving dinner...

Thanksgiving Colouring Placemat 2

Thanksgiving Colouring Placemat 2

The big and beautiful pumpkin on this Thanksgiving colouring placemat is perfect for keeping younger children busy while they wait for their feast!

Thanksgiving Colouring Placemat 3

Thanksgiving Colouring Placemat 3

Younger children will enjoy colouring in the tractor (and the turkey driving it!) on this fun Thanksgiving colouring placemat. You could even laminate their finished work so you can reuse the mat. 

Thanksgiving Colouring Placemat 4

Thanksgiving Colouring Placemat 4

There are turkeys galore to colour in on this cute Thanksgiving colouring placemat, plus a little activity for the kids to try too. Can they spot which two turkeys are the same?

Thanksgiving Country Colouring Page

Thanksgiving Country Colouring Page

There are lots of lovely details to colour in on this Thanksgiving country colouring page, with pumpkins, turkeys, tractors and much more! A great activity to keep the kids busy for a while...

Thanksgiving Cut and Complete the Picture

Thanksgiving Cut and Complete the Picture

Our Thanksgiving cut and complete picture tests both cutting skills and jigsaw skills as children have to cut out the rectangles and paste them into the right space on the picture. Andof course then they can enjoy colouring in the picture too.

Thanksgiving Dinner Colouring Page

Thanksgiving Dinner Colouring Page

Thanksgiving dinner wouldn't be complete without a delicious roast turkey and a pie, just like this Thanksgiving dinner colouring page!

Thanksgiving Doodle Colouring Bookmarks

Thanksgiving Doodle Colouring Bookmarks

Perfect for older kids, these doodle colouring bookmarks for Thanksgiving are in a style that's really popular right now, with lots of little details to test those colouring skills!

Thanksgiving Feast Colouring Page

Thanksgiving Feast Colouring Page

Ask the children to grab their coloured crayons or pencils then colour in all of the tasty food items on this Thanksgiving colouring page.

Thanksgiving Feast Colouring Page

Thanksgiving Feast Colouring Page

There are all the ingredients of a delicious Thanksgiving dinner here for the kids to colour in: cornbread, cider, corn, mashed potatoes, gravy, ham ... and of course turkey and pumpkin pie!

Thanksgiving Fox Colouring Page

Thanksgiving Fox Colouring Page

Who could resist colouring in this lovely fox, complete with an offering of apples and a woolly winter scarf! Ideal for younger kids.

Thanksgiving Rabbit Colouring Page

Thanksgiving Rabbit Colouring Page

Would you like a rabbit guest like this to arrive at your door for Thanksgiving dinner! It makes a fun colouring page for younger children.

Thanksgiving Search And Colour

Thanksgiving Search And Colour

The aim of this fun Thanksgiving worksheet is to search for the objects in the picture, then colour them in when you find them!

Thanksgiving Wreath Colouring Page

Thanksgiving Wreath Colouring Page

There's lots of thanksgiving-themed details to colour in on this wreath colour page, and once you've finished you can follow the instructions on how to make the wreath and hang it up.

Turkey Cartoon Colouring Page

Turkey Cartoon Colouring Page

Print out our turkey cartoon colouring page for your Thanksgiving celebrations - the kids will enjoy colouring it in!

Turkey Colouring Page

Turkey Colouring Page

Here's a lovely big and bold turkey colouring page for younger kids, for Thanksgiving or perhaps a farmyard theme.

Turkey Colouring Page

Turkey Colouring Page 2

Whether you need it for Thanksgiving or a farm theme, this grand turkey colouring page is ready to print and enjoy!

More Colouring Fun

Apple Colouring Pages
Apple Colouring Pages

Autumn Colouring Pages
Fall Colouring Pages

Harvest Colouring Pages
Harvest Colouring Pages

More Thanksgiving Activities for Kids

Thanksgiving crafts for kids
We have a huge collection of quick and easy craft ideas at Activity Village - make turkeys and lots more!
Thanksgiving Crafts

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