Our Thanksgiving dinner colouring page has lots of detail, so it's great for older kids to colour in too. Thanksgiving dinner colouring page 2 - Log in or Become a Member to download Explore Activity VillageColouring PagesHolidaysThanksgivingThanksgiving Colouring PagesPrintablesGreetings Cards
Thanksgiving Dinner Colouring Flash Cards Use these 2-to-a-page flash cards as mini-colouring pages for Thanksgiving - or print the version with words and work on vocabulary and spellings.
Thanksgiving Colouring Bookmarks Here is a set of 4 bookmarks for Thanksgiving. The first is ready to print and enjoy. The other 3 have blank letters for the kids to colour in, doodle around etc.
Pumpkin 2D Shapes Colouring Pages The kids can practise their shape recognition skills and enjoy some colouring too with this bumper pack of 17 pumpkin colouring pages.