Thanksgiving Crafts


If you and the kids are feeling crafty this Thanksgiving, you will find plenty of inspiration and ideas here. We've got cornucopia crafts, Mayflower crafts, Pilgrim crafts, harvest crafts, turkey crafts and lots more!

Quick and Easy Thanksgiving Craft Ideas for Kids

Explore the craft sections below for specific Thanksgiving crafts that you can do with your children, either individually or in groups. Have some fun!

Here's our large collection of (hopefully) inspiring Pilgrim crafts for kids - something...

We hope you enjoy our celebration of Native American crafts for kids! We have ideas for making...

Here's a gobble of quick and easy turkey crafts to enjoy with the kids, for...

Use our Thanksgiving fuse bead patterns with Hama Beads, Perler Beads or other own-brand fusible...

Find below a collection of quick and easy Thanksgiving craft ideas for children, including one...

More Thanksgiving Craft Ideas

You'll find lots more craft ideas for kids appropriate for Thanksgiving in our autumn and Harvest craft collections, too.

Here's our collection of quick and easy Harvest crafts that children can enjoy for Harvest...

Don't worry about the evenings getting longer - gather together your supplies and use the time to...

More Thanksgiving Activities for Kids

Thanksgiving Colouring Pages
Thanksgiving Colouring Pages

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