Making A Difference


Can children make a difference in the world? Of course they can! And perhaps if they are encouraged and shown how to do so when they are young, it will be something they will continue for their whole lives.

We think it is important children understand that "making a difference" doesn't mean "changing the world". It could mean one small act of kindness in the playground, a colouring done for a special friend when they are feeling down, a card sent to a neighbour in hospital, a door opened for someone with crutches or a pushchair, or simply a smile shared. It could mean caring for wildlife, big and small, or picking up rubbish on the streets and recycling carefully.

In these topic pages we share ideas that we hope will help you to get kids thinking about how they can make a difference, too.

Making a Difference Topic for Kids

Being A Good Friend
Friends are such an important part of growing up - but not all friends are good friends, and one of...
Being a Leader
Even the youngest child can learn to be a leader and to work to make the changes that they want to...
Being Kind
Kindness is often thought of as a personality trait - but we believe that you can teach and...
Rewarding Kindness
My Granny used to tell me that "kindness is its own reward" - but it is always nice to...
Saying Thank You
Learning to say "thank you" is an important part of growing up. And it's not all...
Looking After The Environment
We've got activities on various topics and "holidays" here at Activity Village that...
Reaching Out
Sometimes just reaching out to someone who is lonely or in need of help can make all the difference...
Making A Difference Printables
These activities are based on our specific set of Making A Difference posters and other printables...

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