Reaching Out


Sometimes just reaching out to someone who is lonely or in need of help can make all the difference in the world. We can encourage children to look out for people who might need a little extra help or encouragement, a friendly word, a timely postcard or a helping hand.

At times the best way to reach out might be to send a postcard, card or note, just to let the other person know that you are thinking of them. Writing to reach out might be most appropriate when sad things happen: perhaps a marriage breaks up, there is a death in a friend's family or a pet dies, or a child's friend might move away. You will find some lovely printables to help below.

Perhaps you can point out ways that children can reach out on a day to day basis, too. Here are some ideas to brainstorm with the kids.

  • Is someone eating lunch on their own?
  • Is someone sitting alone in the playground?
  • Does someone look sad?
  • Can you offer a helping hand?
  • Do you know someone who might like to hear from you? Would a phone call, postcard, card or letter be appreciated?
  • Isn't it exciting when the postman brings a letter addressed to you? Could you brighten someone else's day by reaching out with a card or letter?

Reaching Out Printables

Be Happy Card

Be Happy Card

We love the sentiment behind this fabulous greetings card! Send to someone you love, and wish them to "Be Happy"!

Be Happy Postcards

Be Happy Postcards

It would be hard not to feel happy if you received one of these pretty postcards through the post! We've lined and blank versions included in this pack. 

Believe Word Card

Believe Word Card

If someone you know needs a little help believing in themselves or something in their lives right now, why not print this beautiful 'Believe' word card and send it to them?

Bless Card

Bless Card

Our pretty word cards are a lovely way to let someone know that you're thinking of them, and they don't use up much printer ink so you can send as many as you like! This one has the word 'bless' in a bright and beautiful design.

Faith Card

Faith Card

We have a lovely collection of word cards to choose from, great for sending for all kinds of occasions  - this one simply says 'faith'...

Faith Word Card

Faith Word Card

If you know someone who is struggling right now, you might like to send them this pretty word card to tell them to keep going and keep the faith.

Happy Day Card

Happy Day Card

Surprise a friend or relative at any time of year by giving them this colourful card, simply wishing them a happy day!

Happy Day Postcards

Happy Day Postcards

Wish someone a happy day by sending one of these fun and colourful postcards. This pack contains lined and blank versions to choose from. 

Hello Card

Hello Card

Here's a fun card to print and send to simply say "Hello" and let someone know you're thinking about them...

Hello Card 2

Hello Card 2

This "Hello" card has such a pretty and colourful design, it's bound to cheer up anyone who is lucky enough to receive it!

Hello Postcards

Hello Postcards

Choose from two lovely designs of our "Hello" postcards. Whichever you choose, it's sure to make someone feel happy when they receive it! We have lined and blank versions of each design. 

Hope Card

Hope Card

Here's a pretty card to send someone a simple message of 'hope'. Simply print and fold in half, then add your own message inside.

Inclusion Worksheet

Inclusion Worksheet

Get the kids to think about how it feels to be included / excluded, and how they can make sure that everyone is included in future, with this interesting worksheet.

Miss You Card

Miss You Card

If you miss someone, let them know by sending them our colourful 'miss you!' card. For the best results, print using the borderless settings on your printer.

Sorry Card

Sorry Card

Sometimes it's hard to say sorry, so make it a little easier by sending someone our colourful 'Sorry' card...

Thinking Of You Card

Thinking Of You Card

There are lots of occasions where you might want to send this colourful "Thinking of you" greetings card. Maybe someone you know isn't feeling well, is working hard on their exams or you just want to let them know you care? Simply print and fold. 

Thinking Of You Postcards

Thinking Of You Postcards

It's always lovely to know that a friend or relative is thinking of us, especially if we're poorly or feeling a bit down. Cheer up someone you care about by sending them one of these colourful "Thinking of you" postcards...We have lined and blank to choose from in this pack.

Trust Card

Trust Card

Do you have someone in your life that you really trust - perhaps they kept a secret for you?  If so, why not send them this colourful 'Trust' card? 

You Are Special Postcards

You Are Special Postcards

Imagine how lovely it would be to receive one of these colourful 'You Are Special' postcards through the letterbox! We've included blank and lined versions in this pack. 

You Card

You Card

Sometimes one simple word is enough to make someone feel special - and this pretty card simply says 'you'! Print and fold, then send to someone you care about.

When Someone Is Ill...

Get Well Soon
Get Well Soon

Also Perfect for Reaching Out ...

We've got all the days to choose from in these cheerful designs!

Days of the Week Greetings Cards
Days of the Week Greetings Cards

Days of the Week Postcards
Days of the Week Postcards

You Could Also Explore ...

... our huge collection of writing paper for kids!

Writing Paper
Writing Paper

... our printable thank you notes!

Thank You Notes
Thank You Notes

... our printable postcards!


... our printable greetings cards!

Greetings Cards
Greetings Cards

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