Saying Thank You


Learning to say "thank you" is an important part of growing up. And it's not all about sending thank you letters after birthdays and Christmas! Showing children how easy it is to show our appreciation, modelling ways of doing so for them, and encouraging them to say thank you often in their everyday lives is easy to do and so important. After all, study after study is now showing that people (and children) who are grateful for the little things are often the happiest, too. So get into the gratitude habit and throw some thank you's around!

We've pulled together some ideas for a brainstorming session with the kids about saying thank you - what makes it important, why you should do it, etc. And we've also pulled together some of our printable activities that have saying thank you as their theme.

Brainstorming Saying Thank You

  • How do you feel when someone says thank you to you?
  • How do you feel when you say thank you to someone else?
  • Does it make a difference when we say thank you? How big a difference?
  • Do people always notice when you do something kind or useful, and thank you? Does it matter if they do?
  • Do you need to thank someone for doing their job? For example, should you say thank you to your teacher at the end of the day, or to the attendant in a shop when you buy something?
  • Is saying thank you the same as being grateful?
  • What is gratitude?
  • Who do you say thank you to most often?
  • Should you thank your parents?
  • Should you thank your friends?
  • How do you know if someone really means it when they say thank you?
  • Do you write thank you letters when you receive a gift? Why / why not?
  • Can you think of some interesting ways to say thank you?

Saying Thank You Printables

Children Thank You Notes

Children Thank You Notes

We have versions with boys and girls for these bright and cheerful thank you notes.  Perfect for older children who are ready to write a longer note.

Curly Thank You Notelets

Curly Thank You Notelets

These pretty little thank you notelet cards are available in a choice of blues, pinks or red and yellow.

Curvy Thank You Notes

Curvy Thank You Notes

These curvy thanky you notes have a touch of theatrical elegance.  You can choose from 3 colour options.

Pirate Thank You Notes

Pirate Thank You Notes

Good pirates can thank their shipmates for their birthday loot using our fun pirate-themed Thank You cards. We've got a blank design and also a design with some text to make writing the cards a little easier. 

Sparkle Thank You Notelets

Sparkle Thank You Notelets

These pretty sparkly thank you notelets are perfect to write a note to thank a special person for their help.

Sunshine Thank You Postcards

Sunshine Thank You Postcards

Print out 4 of these sunshiny thank you postcards to give to all those people who you would like to thank. Perhaps a health care worker has stepped up, or a teacher, or a colleague - or perhaps on of the children in your class has really made an effort with the other kids.

Sunshine thank you poster

Sunshine Thank You Poster

This poster is perfect for putting up on display to say a big THANK YOU to all anyone who has made a difference!

Thank You Card

Thank You Card

This lovely thank you card has the added benefit of needing very little printer ink - but it still looks fabulous, especially if you print it on to good card. Keep some on stock for the kids to use for thank you letters, perhaps.

Thank You Card 2

Thank You Card 2

Sometimes a card that says a big "thank you" is just what you need! This one prints at A5 size, and looks fabulous on glossy card if you have it. Use your printer's borderless settings for the best results.

Thank You For Being Kind Card 2

Thank You For Being Kind Card 2

Let someone know that you appreciate how kind they've been by sending them this cheerful card that simply says "Thank you for being kind".

Thank You For Being Kind Writing Paper

Thank You For Being Kind Writing Paper

This colourful "Thank you for being kind" writing paper is perfect for writing a thank you letter to a friend or relative for a kind gift, or just to say thank you to someone who's done something nice for you...

Thank You Kids Blank

Thank You Kids Blank

This lovely printable makes a special way to say thank you - perfect for Teacher Appreciation, or for any children's group thank you. We've left some blank lines at the bottom for you or your child to write your own words.

Thank You Postcards

Thank You Postcards

These thank you postcards are perfect for any occasion where you want to say thank you - perhaps thanking someone for birthday or Christmas presents or for an act of kindness. We have lined and blank versions of each design too.

Thank You Postcards 2

Thank You Postcards 2

If you print these postcards onto glossy card they will really stand out. What quicker and easier to say thank you than to drop a postcard into the post!

Thank You Writing Paper

Thank You Writing Paper

There's nothing like a nice thank you letter, and one received on this pretty paper will be greatly appreciated! The kids might enjoy writing the letter, more, too...

Saying Thank You To Teachers ...

Teacher Appreciation
Teacher Appreciation

You Could Also Use ...

... our huge collection of writing paper for kids!

Writing Paper
Writing Paper


There's a whole holiday in the USA which is about saying thank you!


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