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 Spring Paper Plate Craft

Spring Paper Plate Craft

There is lots of painting and cutting and sticking on this spring paper plate craft - always a sign of a good craft! The children will enjoy moving the butterflies and bees around when the craft is complete.

 Pipe Cleaner Lavender Card

Pipe Cleaner Lavender Card

Pipe cleaners in green and purple are used to make a bunch of lavender. We've glued ours to a card for Mothers’ Day, but you could also tie a bunch together with a pretty ribbon.

Hyacinth Thumbprint Paintings

Hyacinth Thumbprint Paintings

Thumbprint paintings are always messy fun, and these hyacinth thumbprint paintings can be enjoyed by your youngest children with a bit of direction!

Pipe Cleaner Flower Card

Pipe Cleaner Flower Card

The photo doesn't really do this pretty pipe cleaner flower card justice I'm afraid! Playing with pipe cleaners is a lovely activity for little hands but younger children may need some help putting the petals together.

Pipe Cleaner Daffodil Card

Pipe Cleaner Daffodil Card

These pipe cleaner daffodils are really fun to make. Twirling the pipe cleaners was a good exercise for little fingers, but some adult help was needed with younger children when it came to putting the daffodils together.

Mum Card 2

Mum Card 2

This simple printable "Mum" card has lots of white space - perfect for the kids to decorate with patterns, colours or pictures that their own Mum might love.

Mom Card

Mom Card

This "Mom" card is quick to print and very simple so it doesn't take up too much of your printer in. The kids could decorate the background or add touches of glitter, sequins or beads if they want to jazz the card up a bit!

Mum Writing Paper

Mum Writing Paper

This writing paper is just what you need for a Mother's Day writing project! We have three versions to choose from - blank, lined and handwriting.

Mom Writing Paper

Mom Writing Paper

We have three versions of this cheerful "Mom" writing paper - blank, lined and handwriting. Use it to write Mom a letter or poem for Mother's Day, perhaps?

Mum Bookmarks

Mum Bookmarks

Give Mum a bookmark on Mother's Day or her birthday! We've got plenty to choose from in thie 3-page pdf file.

Page 1: All colour bookmarks

Page 2: All black and white bookmarks, for colouring in

Page 3: Mixed bookmarks (pictured below)

Mom Bookmarks 2

Mom Bookmarks 2

There are three pages of Mom bookmarks in this collection, so pick the page you want to print before you start.

Page 1: All colour bookmarks

Page 2: All black and white bookmarks, for colouring in

Page 3: Mixed bookmarks (pictured below)

Mum Colouring Card

Mum Colouring Card

Keep this "Mum" colouring card really simple - or go to town with your own decorative letters, collage activity, doodles and designs! However you do it, Mum is sure to love it...

Mom Coloring Card

Mom Coloring Card

We've designed this very simple "Mom" colouring card so that children can use it for their own designs. Your youngest children can simply colour in the letters. Older children can decorate them, colour the space around them, collage, add gllitter...

Bunny number posters

Bunny Number Posters

These cute bunny number posters print large - A4 (or Letter) size - but we've kept them really simple so that they don't use up too much colour ink.

Bunny Number Cards - Large

Bunny Number Cards - Large

Print these lovable bunny number cards out - two to a page - and use them for learning and games during Spring, at Easter, or any time a cute number card is required!

Bunny Number Cards - Small

Bunny Number Cards - Small

These extra-cute bunny number cards are fun for younger children - perhaps at Easter or during Spring? They print 4 to a page and include the digits 0 to 9.

Mardi Gras Scissor Skills 2

Mardi Gras Scissor Skills 2

Here's a second version of our Mardi Gras scissor skills activity. For this one we've made the Mardi Gras objects bigger, so that younger children can practice their cutting skills...

Mardi Gras Scissor Skills

Mardi Gras Scissor Skills

Here's quite a tricky scissor skills worksheet for more dextrous children. The Mardi Gras pictures are the perfect size for cutting out and sticking elsewhere - perhaps to decorate some writing that they have been doing about this Carnival holiday.

Mardi Gras Scrapbook Paper

Mardi Gras Scrapbook Paper

This pretty Mardi Gras scrapbook paper isn't too greedy on your printer ink, so you can print out lots of pages for your Mardi Gras displays, crafts and projects!

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