SLH Year 4 Week 4


It's Week 4 for Year 4 in the Summer Learning Hub, and the theme for this week is "In the Garden". You'll find all sorts of suggested fun learning activities to help keep the kids busy below.

Summer Learning Hub Year 4 Week 4 - In the Garden

Some Maths

It's mostly about times tables this week - but we promise we've made them as fun as possible! Or take a break from times tables and have a go at drawing a sunflower using symmetry lines, or practise counting in decimals...

These fun flower shaped times table worksheets are a great way to encourage times table...

Can the children use their times table knowledge to fill in the missing numbers and complete the...

The 11 times table is fun, but the 12 times table isn't always very popular! These 2...

There are 3 "bee hive" worksheets in this set, testing the kids on all the times...

Complete the picture of this beautiful sunflower. If you prefer you can use the grid option to...

Complete the flower sequences by counting in decimals. There are 3 pretty worksheets here for...

Reading and Writing

We've got some interesting activities this week including story paper for creative writing and a card to print, write and send, an acrostic poem, a word search and more...

Our pretty garden acrostic poem printable comes in 4 options, lined or unlined, and with or...

Described the scene on this lovely summer gardening story paper or try writing an original story...

We've got a pretty colouring page and a quote worksheet all in one on this "no rain no...

Do children know how crickets make music? They can record what they know about crickets on this...

We've hidden 12 words all to do with the life cycle of a sunflower in the word search grid....

This bright and cheerful grasshopper scene card is sure to brighten up someone's day! Print...

Something Crafty

Have a go at some lovely flower collages - or maybe enjoy some sweet fondant flowers for tea, as a treat!

Flower Collages

Flower Collages

Make some of these gorgeous sweet treats with the kids this spring - perfect for cheering up the...

And Even More Fun!

You won't have bored kids this week if you explore some of the activities below ... lovely for summer!

Our learn to draw a grasshopper guide is a fun addition to any minibeast project and a great way...

We've provided the background garden - now you provide the minibeasts! The kids can have fun...

I remember as a child looking sadly out of the window on a rainy afternoon, trapped inside, and...

Sometimes on rainy days it can be hard to keep your mood up - so this "no rain, no flowers...

There is something missing in this garden scene - and that's the flowers! We've provided...

Kids can learn to draw favourite flowers with these printable step by step tutorials. So far we...

With their beautiful yellow flowers growing sunflowers is a great way to teach children about...

More to Explore

If you want even more to keep the kids busy this week, we've got lots more to explore here:

Whether you are looking for a quick flower craft for the classroom, flower scrapbook paper for a...

Explore the world of invertebrates, insects and other minibeasts with our minibeast crafts,...

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