Wales Worksheets


Whether you are learning about Wales or celebrating a national event bring something of Wales to your classroom with Welsh themed writing prompts and other worksheets.

Wales Acrostic Poem Printables
Get creative with this set of Wales themed acrostic poem prompts. They also make useful writing or...
Wales Handwriting Worksheets
Lots NEW! Practice handwriting with a Welsh flavour! We have daffodils, rugby, dragons and more...
Wales Story Paper
Lots NEW! Retell a Welsh folk tale or write your own on our lovely Wales themed story paper.
Wales Tracing Pages
From simple lines, to outlines to a full picture, our Wales tracing pages are a great way to...
Wales Writing Pages
Our Wales writing pages with their cartoon pictures make a fun way to present project work. Choose...
More Wales Worksheets
Here we have a very eclectic collection of Wales worksheets for if you are looking for something a...

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