

For each of the countries listed below you will find a complete set of flag printables (including notebooking pages, booklet, bookmarks and different sizes of flags to print) as well as a flag colouring page. You can also learn some interesting facts about each country with the kids, look at photos, print off our outline maps and location worksheets and enjoy other fun worksheets too.

9th May is Europe Day! It's an annual event and celebrates peace in Europe. Why not use Europe Day as an excuse to pick a European country that you haven't visited and learn something about it with the kids? Or browse our general Europe resources below...

General Europe Resources

We've got big flags and small flags, "top trump" style trading cards, bunting, outline maps and more - all celebrating the flags of European countries. And then you can have fun testing your knowledge of Europe with our quizzes and challenges too!

Here you will find some useful maps of Europe - colour, outline black and white, labelled and...

We've got some fabulous flag resources here for all the countries of Europe - including...

Test your knowledge of Europe in a fun way with this collection of quizzes. We've got 2...

Challenge you and your family to a word search (or two!) on Europe. We will have some more...

Explore the Countries of Europe

Learn about all the countries of Europe with our collection of fun and interesting facts, maps, flags and worksheets.

Discover some interesting facts about Albania, a mountainous Balkan country, which you can share...

Learn a little about the tiny principality of Andorra, and enjoy our collecton of flag...

Learn a few interesting facts about Armenia, one of the former Soviet Republics, and print our...

Take a virtual trip around Austria with us, with the help of our introduction and fun facts, and...

Find out some interesting facts about Azerbaijan to share with the kids, and enjoy our...

Find out a little about the Eastern European country of Belarus, and print out its flag in a...

Take a quick tour of Brussels with us, learn some of its history, find out about its famous food...

Enjoy our flag printables from Bosnia and Herzegovina, also known as Bosnia-Herzegovina or just...

Did you know that Bulgarians nod for no and shake for yes? This, and other fun facts about...

Find out something about Croatia and enjoy our flag printables - including jigsaw, bookmarks,...

Here's a little introduction to the Mediterranean island of Cyprus. Scroll down for our flag...

Learn something about the Czech Republic with the kids and then enjoy our collection of fun (and...

Discover a little about Denmark, one of the oldest monarchies in the world. You can also print...

Use these fun facts to help children learn a little about the Northern European country of...

Find out some interesting facts about Finland, and print out the Finnish flag in various fun and...

Take a quick virtual trip to France with our Paris landmark colouring pages, story paper and...

Dip into Georgia's history, geography and culture and then learn all about its flag and...

What do the kids know about Germany, the largest and most populous country in Western Europe?...

There are many interesting facts to be discovered about the tiny Gibraltar - although of course...

Find out a little about Greece - ancient and modern - and enjoy our flag printables and flag...

Find out some interesting facts about Guernsey in the Channel Islands, and enjoy our flag...

What do you know about Hungary? There is plenty to discover in our brief discovery of the...

Find out about the fascinating country of Iceland and print out our flag printables -...

Find out a little about Ireland, enjoy our printable activities with the kids or have a go at...

Enjoy our fun facts about the Isle of Man and a complete set of flag printables and colouring...

Enjoy learning just a little about Italy's rich history, geography and culture, and print...

Find out a few interesting facts about Jersey, the largest of the Channel Islands. You can also...

What do you know about Kazakhstan? It's part of both Europe and Asia, and has one of the...

Learn a little about the very "young" country of Kosovo, and enjoy our flag colouring...

Learn a little about Lativa - its geography, its capital city, and some interesting facts - and...

Liechtenstein is one of the world's smallest countries and also one of the world's...

Find out a little about Lithuania with the kids by reading our "interesting facts"...

Enjoy our fun facts about Luxembourg with the children, then print out the flag to display or...

Take a quick trip to Malta with us to learn some interesting facts, and print out our Malta flag...

Travel to eastern Europe to a country full of forests, rocky hills and famous vineyards. Then...

Discover more about this tiny but extremely wealthy country on the French Riviera, known for its...

Here we take a brief journey to Montenegro to discover some interesting facts about this...

Print out the Dutch flag in three sizes, as a jigsaw, bookmarks, or to colour in! You can also...

Travel to southeast Europe to North Macedonia, a mountainous country full of ancient towns and...

Found out a little about Norway, enjoy our "fun facts" and print our flag bookmarks,...

Explore Poland with our fun and interesting facts and scroll down for our collection of flag...

Learn a little about Portugal - it's history and geography, and some fun facts - and enjoy...

Print out the Romania flag in lots of sizes or colour one in, guide your learning with our fun...

Discover some fun facts about Russia and learn a little about the country. Enjoy our flag...

Travel to one of the world’s smallest countries and oldest republics, where rugged...

Find out a little about Serbia with the kids and then enjoy our flag printables (including...

Learn some interesting facts about Slovakia with the kids and then scroll down to make use of...

Here you can find out some interesting facts about Slovenia with your kids, explore Slovenia on...

Find out some interesting facts about Spain's geography, history, food and famous citizens!...

Enjoy a glimpse into Sweden's geography, history and culture with the kids, and print out...

Get a taste of the country of Switzerland with our "fun facts" and enjoy our flag...

Here you can find out a few interesting snippets of information about Turkey with the kids...

Find out some interesting snippets of history, geography and culture about Ukraine, Europe's...

Activity Village is a UK site and of course we love all things British! We've got sections...

Travel with Activity Village to the smallest country in the world, which despite its size is...

More Continents...

North America
North America

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