A Letter From Henry VIII Worksheet
Henry VIII changed history when he divorced Catherine of Aragon. Can the kids imagine they are Henry writing a letter to Cardinal Wolsey about why he wants to annul his first marriage?
Here you will find a collection of Tudor worksheets to print for your children, both at home and at school. Compare Tudor fashions, plot the routes of Tudor explorers, find out about Tudor food and table manners, compose your own newspaper pages, and much more!
Henry VIII changed history when he divorced Catherine of Aragon. Can the kids imagine they are Henry writing a letter to Cardinal Wolsey about why he wants to annul his first marriage?
This interesting history worksheet asks the kids to imagine they are Thomas Cromwell writing a letter to Henry VIII about the benefits of the dissolution of the monasteries.
Can the children do some research on the advisors of Henry VIII and write about them and their fates on this worksheet?
Shakespeare was responsible for many of the common phrases we still use today. Find out what they mean, and write it in the right column. Two worksheets below.
There were huge changes in England during the reign of Henry VIII. Can the children compare England in 1509 with life after the changes in 1547? We have two versions of this worksheet, blank and lined.
Ask the kids to read about perhaps the most famous King of England, Henry VIII, then answer the questions about the text at the end...
This worksheet asks the kids to put themselves in the position of Henry VIII during an event in his life and to write a diary entry from his perspective.
We've chosen four events from the life and reign of Henry VIII and turned them into newspaper writing prompts to help inspire the kids to get writing! They can choose their favourite or even try them all!
It might have taken a brave person to interview Henry VIII, but if the famous Tudor king was on a talk show, what would the children ask him?
If there had been newspapers in print at the time of Henry VIII he would have given them plenty to write about! Can the children choose one of the events in the life of the King and write about it on our newspaper writing prompt template?
"Of all losses, time is the most irrecuperable for it can never be redeemed." Can the children write about what they think this quote by Henry VIII means, and rewrite it in their own words?
Our Henry VIII story paper featuring a portrait of the famous King of England is perfect for a Tudor history project. Or write a story set in Tudor times?
Henry VIII had one of the most eventful lives out of all the British monarchs. Use this timeline to fill in some of the important events during his life and reign.
This simple worksheet is a fun introduction to Henry VIII and is ideal for younger kids. Choose from colour, or black and white versions below.
Write your own newspaper report about the sinking of the Mary Rose!
Use our Queen Elizabeth I story paper for descriptive writing or perhaps to tell one of the many stories of Elizabeth's reign such as the defeat of the Spanish Armada.
The daughter of Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn, Queen Elizabeth I was one of histories 'stars'. Our Queen Elizabeth I writing paper can be used for reports or creative writing prompts such as diaries and letters.
There were huge differences between how the rich and the poor ate in Tudor times. Study them with the help of this fun worksheet.
Use this printable booklet to record the daily events of the Spanish Armada. You will need our origami booklet instructions.
Study Queen Elizabeth I's rousing speech!
Imagine you are Philip II, about to launch your Armada. What are your reasons?
The kids need to do a little research on this fascinating family picture of Henry VIII for this worksheet. Who is in the painting and why do you think Henry commisioned it? Also, can they find out what is wrong with the painting?
Use our Titern Abbey newspaper writing prompt to tell any story you chose; the Abbey's foundation, the rebuilding, the closure during the Reformation or a report of an event held their today.
It's your job to organise a banquet in Henry VIII's honour! What will you serve?
Use the map to plot the voyages of the great Tudor explorers. We have a slightly harder version of this worksheet for older children.
Use the map to plot the voyages of the great Tudor explorers. We have a slightly easier version of this worksheet for younger children.
Fill in the gaps in this Tudor family tree.
Use our Tudor fashion worksheet to study the typical men's fashions of Elizabeth I's reign. Describe what the gentleman is wearing, and think about whether you would like to get dressed like this every day.
Use this Tudor fashions worksheet to study the costume of a well-dressed Elizabethan lady. Describe what she would wear, and think about whether you would like to be dressed in the same way.
Study the portrait of Sir Walter Raleigh dressed in his trunk hose, and list the advantages and disadvantages of this Elizabethan male fashion.
Use this Tudor fashions worksheet to write about the main differences in female fashions between Henry VIII's reign and Elizabeth I's reign. Study the illustrations and you will see there were many!
Use our Tudor fashions worksheet to explore what the best-dressed ladies of Henry VIII's reign would have worn. Would you like to get dressed in clothes like these every day?
Use our Tudor fashions worksheet to compare male fasions in the reigns of Henry VIII and Elizabeth I. Notice how much changed in just a few years! In which reign would you have like to live and dress?
Describe the clothing worn by this Tudor man at the time of Henry VIII's reign.
Have a go at this fun worksheet, which takes a look at Tudor fashions in Queen Elizabeth's time.
What are the differences between how we eat today, and how people ate in Henry VIII's time? Use this fun worksheet to encourage the kids to explore...
Learn a little about Tudor knot gardens and then design your own with this fun worksheet.
After the death of Jane Seymour, the search was on to find Henry VIII a new wife. How about filling in this application form to see if you would be the right one?
There were many books published during Tudor times giving advice about table manners. This worksheets takes a look at them.
Have some fun with this simple worksheet (available in black and white or colour). Children will need to find out some facts by doing a little research, and then think about what they would talk to Shakespeare about if they were to meet.
Here's a Tudor history worksheet with a difference! The rhyme "Divorced, Beheaded, Died, Divorced, Beheaded, Survived" tells the story of King Henry VIII and his many young wives. Can the kids match the wives to their place in the rhyme?
One of the things that Henry VIII is remembered for most is having six wives! Can the children find out about who they were, why he married them and what happened to them? They can fill in their research on this worksheet...
Tudor coins, famous Tudor characters such as Shakespeare and Sir Walter Raleigh, and of course the Tudor Kings and Queens...
Tudor Printables