Study the portrait of Sir Walter Raleigh dressed in his trunk hose, and list the advantages and disadvantages of this Elizabethan male fashion. Tudor Fashions Worksheet - Elizabethan Male Fashions - Log in or Become a Member to download Explore Activity VillageTopicsFamous PeopleFamous People A-ZWalter RaleighFamous ExplorersLearningHistoryBritish HistoryTudorsTudor Worksheets
Walter Raleigh Notebooking Page Two useful notebooking pages for Sir Walter Raleigh. Choose which design you prefer from the links below.
Walter Raleigh Booklet Use this booklet printable to write about Sir Walter Raleigh. You will need our origami booklet instructions.
Sir Walter Raleigh Colouring Page Here's a colouring page of the very debonair Sir Walter Raleigh, privateer and hero of the court of Elizabeth I.