Science and Nature


Learn about the animal kingdom, the human body, flowers, trees and more with the help of this collection of activities and printables. We have a huge collection of animal resources in particular - lots to explore below!


Explore nature with the help of our nature craft ideas and flower and tree themed activities. We also have a huge Weather topic with activities for all ages, and an enormous collection of seasonal activities.

Learn about life cycles with our life cycles topic and print our useful life cycle teaching...

Whether you are looking for a quick flower craft for the classroom, flower scrapbook paper for a...

Trees are the theme of this section of pages at Activity Village! We've got some wonderful...

Celebrate the passing seasons with your children by enjoying a range of spring, summer, autumn...

Learn about the water cycle - how water moves around the world and supports life on Earth - with...

Here in the UK talking about the weather is seen as our national obsession so we thought it was...

NEW! Learn about and explore the more extreme weather patterns of the world - extreme cold,...

Sometimes when you are out and about with the kids you "collect" all sorts of...

Learning about the Human Body

We have some fun printables about the human body, with more coming soon.

Just a small collection of human body printables right now, but we have more in the pipeline! We...

The Animal Kingdom

Whether you are learning about African animals, Australian animals, pets, minibeasts, birds - we have a mixture of fun activities and learning resources for you to explore with the kids. Explore our complete collections or jump straight to the creature you want with our A-Z lists below.

If your kids love animals and you would like some help with an animals theme, look no further!...

Scroll down for all our animal pages listed alphabetically. For many of the animals and other...

If you're thinking about getting a pet bird, exploring birds in general or a particular bird...

Browse the A-Z listing of birds below for our available activities - you will find all sorts of...

The Final Frontier!

Discover the planets, learn about the Earth's orbit and explore space with us!

Space - the final frontier.... We've got so much to explore in our Space topic - from fun...

More Activities

And just for fun...

It is amazing what fun can be had and what can be created from a few basic ingredients. We have...

Rainbows are one of nature's wonders - something magical to enjoy with the children and...

Explore our growing collection of seaside printables - there's lots for the beach, fun ways...

More Learning Resources


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