Animals A-Z


Scroll down for all our animal pages listed alphabetically. For many of the animals and other creatures you find below we will have a full range of colouring pages, crafts, printables and other activities - just click on the links to explore.

Learn a little about ants and enjoy our small collection of ant-themed activities for kids. More...

Learn a little about the baboon and enjoy our collection of baboon resources for kids, including...

Badgers are short-legged members in the weasel family, with a black and white striped body....

Looking for bat crafts, printables, and colouring pages? We've got them all! You can learn a...

Keep your children as 'busy as a beaver' with our beaver colouring pages, crafts and...

Bees are the workers of the animal kingdom. Many plants are pollinated by them and many animals...

Do the kids like beetles? Find out a little about them here, and print out some of our fun...

We've gathered together all our butterfly themed activities and ended up with all sorts of...

Whether you are doing a desert habitat or African animal project, or just like camels and want...

A caterpillar is the larva of a butterfly or moth. After around 2-3 weeks, a caterpillar builds...

Whether you are looking for cat and kitten colouring pages to support the arrival of a new pet,...

Did you know that the cheeetah is the fastest animal on earth? Find out more about this African...

Cows, or cattle, are the most common domestic animal around the world, raised for milk and for...

Have some fun with our printable activities and colouring pages - and learn a little about crabs...

Have some fun learning about crickets with the kids by printing out some of our cricket...

Crocodiles are true prehistoric creature, first appearing over 240 million years ago. There are...

If you are doing a British Wildlife topic, or just finding out about these graceful creatures...

The dingo is a wild dog native to Australia and parts of South East Asia (mainly Thailand),...

Dogs are one of the world's most popular pets, although dogs are still used for hunting,...

Who doesn't love dolphins? These delightful sea creatures endear themselves to children and...

Donkeys are calm, steady animals and have been used for work and transport in many ways by...

The echidna is an extraoardinary mammal which has survived since prehistoric times and is...

Elephants are the largest land animals in the world today. There are African elephants (with...

Brightly coloured tropical fish are very appealing to kids. Here we have our fish theme; whether...

Foxes are small to medium-sized mammals, a little smaller than the dog. They have a long bushy...

Explore our frog theme for kids and enjoy our frog crafts, frog colouring pages, frog printables...

Gazelles are a small antelope mostly found in Africa, but also in some parts of Asia. They are...

Have some fun with our giraffe activities - giraffe colouring pages, printables and worksheets...

The goat was one of the first animals to be domesticated by humans, and they have been used for...

Are you looking for goldfish activities because you are thinking about buying goldfish or...

Grasshoppers are a fun insect for kids to learn about because of the way they hop. Learn a...

Guinea pigs are small, sociable rodents and are a popular pet. They originate from South America...

Hamsters are a favourite pet for young children.  Whether you are thinking of getting a...

Hedgehogs are small, spiny mammals. They are mostly nocturnal, sleeping in shallow holes or...

Learn a little about hippos and enjoy our collection of printable hippos activities (crafts...

Horses are of course one of the world's most popular domesticated animal, having been used...

What do you know about hyenas? They have a bad reputation and can look wild and scary! Find out...

Here are some printable activities about the jaguar that you can share with the kids. Explore...

Learn a little about jellyfish with the kids and explore our collection of fun jellyfish...

Kangaroos are marsupials, which means that they carry their young in a pouch, and you can see a...

Come and explore our cute and cuddly koala activities, we have colouring pages, fuse bead...

Called ladybirds in the UK and Ireland and ladybugs in North America these bright creatures are...

Here's where you can learn all about lemurs with the kids. We've got a fun collection of...

Lions are the kings of the animal kingdom. The male lions with their manes look so majestic!...

Lizards are really diverse and wonderful creatures. They can change colour, lose their tail,...

Llamas have really become very popular in recent years. Maybe it's because of their...

Learn a little about this very strange looking creature, the lobster! And enjoy our printable...

Meerkats are funny-looking creatures, aren't they? The way they stand up on their hind legs...

A mouse is a small rodent with a long hairless tail. Some people hate them - and despite their...

Moles are small mammals which live underground and dig - in fact, they can dig an amazing 14...

Monkeys are primates, and there are approximately 260 different species of monkey in the world....

The moose (also callled the Eurasian elk) is the largest member of the deer family.  The...

Learn about octopuses with our collection of octopus resources for kids - including colouring...

Who doesn't love otters? If you have seen them lying on their backs holding hands, you can...

An ox, also known as a bullock in Australia and parts of Asia, is a beast of burden - it has...

The Giant Panda is a bear native to south-central China and is probably one of the most...

Explore below for pig crafts, pig printables, pig worksheets, pig puzzles and all sorts of pig...

The platypus is a semi-aquatic mammal (it lives in and out of water) native to Australia, and is...

Learn a little about polar bears with the kids, and enjoy our collection of fun printable...

Possums are long-tailed Australian marsupials (mammals which carry their young in a pouch) which...

Rabbits are small mammals found in several parts of the world,  in varying habitats...

Rats are medium sized, long tailed rodents, bigger than mice. The most common rats are black...

Learn more about cute cuddly red pandas which, despite their name, are not closely related to...

Have some fun learning about that armoured giant, the rhinoceros, and printing out our fun...

Seahorses are very strange and fascinating creatures! With their horse-like heads and necks,...

Seals are semi-aquatic animals and spend most of their lives in the water. When swimming they...

There are over 470 different species of shark, living in seas all over the world and at depths...

Sheep are kept all over the world to provide wool and food, but are particularly associated with...

Learn a little about skunks and have some fun with our safe, smell-free activities for kids!...

Here's a chance to learn something about sloths with the kids! We've got a fun...

Learn a little about snails and enjoy our collection of snail-themed colouring pages, puzzles...

Coming in all shapes and sizes, snakes are some of the most feared creatures on earth but...

Spiders have eight legs, live in every part of the world apart from Antarctica, and come in...

Learn about squirrels and enjoy all sorts of fun printable squirrel activities, squirrel...

Starfish are a unique and fascinating sea creature. We have some fun activities here to help...

Tigers are the largest of the the big cat family and the largest species can reach over 3 metres...

Tortoises are land-dwelling reptiles of the order Testudines. Tortoises, like their...

As part of our Australian animals collection, you will find printables activities for the...

Learn a little about warthogs with the kids and then enjoy our collection of printable...

Whales can be huge! The largest animal ever to have existed is the blue whale, which can grow to...

Here is our page about wildebeests - where you can find out a little about this interesting...

Find out a little about the wolf and enjoy our collection of wolf and wolf cub colouring pages,...

Wombats are short, furry marsupials that can only be found in Australia. They can grow up to 1m...

Here we have a page about worms! Learn a little about them here, and then have some fun with our...

What do you know about the yak? Find out a little bit, and explore our fun printable activities...

Explore our fun zebra activities for kids and learn a little about these exotic African...

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