Red Pandas


Learn more about cute cuddly red pandas which, despite their name, are not closely related to giant pandas. 

Learn About Red Pandas

Red pandas are small mammals which grow to about the size of a house cat. They are native to the Eastern Himalayas and South-Western China. Red pandas mainly eat bamboo and can spend up to 13 hours a day eating. 

Unfortunately, red pandas are endangered. Their main threat is habitat loss due to agriculture. 

International Red Panda Day is celebrated on September 18th to spread awareness of this endangered animal. 

Our Red Panda Activities

Panda Venn Diagram

Panda Venn Diagram

Use this Venn diagram worksheet as an introduction to a project about pandas, exploring the dfference between giant pandas and red pandas. 

Red Panda Map

Red Panda Map

Find out where you might find red pandas and colour in the countries on this world map. 

Red Panda Project Pack

Red Panda Project Pack

Are you doing a red panda project? Here we have grouped all of our red panda worksheets in to one handy pack. Simply print, staple together and give it to the kids to complete as an independent project. 

Red Panda Zookeeper Worksheet

Red Panda Zookeeper Worksheet

Imagine you were a zookeeper and were going to keep red pandas in your zoo. Research what you would need to do to keep red pandas happy and healthy.

Books That Feature Red Pandas:

Fairy Forest School: Red Panda Riddle by Olivia Brook

The Adventure Club: Red Panda Rescue by Jess Butterworth 

Real R.P.G.: The Story of the Red Panda Girl by Lily Quan

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