North Macedonia


Travel to southeast Europe to North Macedonia, a mountainous country full of ancient towns and unusual architecture. Then scroll down for some of our printable resources to test what you have learnt!

The beautiful main square of Skopje, Macedonia's capital city
The beautiful main square of Skopje, Macedonia's capital city

A Little Geography…

  • North Macedonia, formerly known as the Republic of Macedonia, is a land-locked country bordering Kosovo, Serbia, Bulgaria, Greece and Albania. It covers more than 25,000 square kilometres and has a population of about 2 million people.
  • A land full of mountains, its highest peak is Mount Korab on the Albanian border, sitting 2,764 metres (9,068 feet) above sea level. Its largest lake, Lake Ohrid (also bordering Albania), was declared a UNESCO world heritage site in 1979 for its diverse ecosystem and natural beauty.
  • The Vardar River divides the country and later feeds into the Aegean Sea. This was an important trade route in ancient times. Today, the country exports iron, steel, food products and tobacco. Construction, industry and retail are also important sectors.

Beautiful lake view
Beautiful lake view

A Little History…

  • Originally part of the Greek, Roman and Ottoman Empires, North Macedonia was an important area for traders and conquerors travelling between Asia and Europe. Its capital, Skopje, still boasts a 6th century fortress built to defend the city.
  • North Macedonia became part of Yugoslavia after the First World War (1914–1918). In 1991, however, North Macedonia gained independence alongside other former Yugoslavian states. Its national symbol is an eight-rayed sun, representing the ‘new sun of liberty’.
  • Heavily influenced by Greece to the south, the country still uses many Greek names and symbols, but the official language is Macedonian.

And Some Interesting Facts…

  • North Macedonia has the oldest name of any European country. The Macedonian Empire was an ancient kingdom in the 7th century BCE.
  • North Macedonia’s capital, Skopje, is famous for being the birthplace of Mother Teresa. In 1963, a devastating earthquake destroyed about 80 per cent of the city and killed more than 1,000 people. In recent years, modern architecture has been used to rebuild much of the city.
  • In 2010, NASA named one of the lakes on Titan (Saturn’s largest moon) as Lake Ohrid, after North Macedonia’s great lake in the southwest of the country.

About the North Macedonian Flag

Flag of North Macedonia

The national flag of North Macedonia has a red background with a stylised gold sun with eight rays. These colours are the traditional colours from the coat of arms of North Macedonia.

Our North Macedonia Resources

North Macedonia Booklet

North Macedonia Booklet

You could use one of these North Macedonia booklets to write up some information about the flag for a North Macedonia lapbook. A guide to folding the booklets can be found here.

North Macedonia Bookmarks

North Macedonia Bookmarks

Fun for a sporting event we have four versions of our North Macedonia bookmarks for you to choose from.

North Macedonia Fact Worksheet

North Macedonia Fact Worksheet

Challenge the kids to find the answers to these facts about North Macedonia, and fill in the location work on the map too.

North Macedonia Flag Printable

North Macedonia Flag Printable

We've got five different sizes of the North Macedonian flag ready to print, useful for lots of crafting and display purposes.

North Macedonia On Map Of Europe

North Macedonia On Map Of Europe

Our map of Europe clearly shows North Macedonia's location, size and bordering countries, so it's great for learning a bit of geographical knowledge. 

North Macedonia Worksheet

North Macedonia Worksheet

Use this worksheet to help the children to find out a little about North Macedonia, and record what they learn. 

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