Find out about India, try some of our India worksheets and printables, enjoy our India craft ideas, try some Indian recipes and learn all about Diwali and other Indian festivals!

Taj Mahal mausoleum in Agra, India
Exploring India...
Learn about India with the kids - a little geography, a little condensed history, and lots of...
Children can really explore India with the help of these worksheets and other printable...
We've got Indian flag printables for your classroom projects or to decorate your home,...
Have a go at some of our Indian-themed crafts for children for a real flavour of India! We'...
We've got a lovely colouring page of two Indian children in traditional costume for the kids...
We've posters, story paper and learn to draw tutorials to print for an India project.
India is a country of stories and vivid colours. Our India story paper is perfect for...
Did you know that Chess originated in India? We've got a good explanation of chess and some...
Find out more with your children about one of the world's most beautiful buildings, and...
A rangoli is a colourful design made on the floor near the entrance to a house to welcome guests...
Indian Holidays
Find our about Holi, the Hindu spring festival of colour, singing and dancing - and paint! Or discover Diwali, the exciting Festival of Lights, and enjoy our large collection of printable activities and craft ideas!
Come and learn about the colourful Hindu festival of Holi with us, and find some fun Holi crafts...
Diwali is celebrated by Hindus in India and all around the world in October or November. It is...
More Activities for an India Topic
While learning about India you might also like to think about its national bird, the peacock, or perhaps tigers (native to India) and the Indian elephant. We also have some interesting activities for learning about Mahatma Gandhi.
What are generally known as peacocks are actually male peafowl. The females are called peahen...
Tigers are the largest of the the big cat family and the largest species can reach over 3 metres...
Elephants are the largest land animals in the world today. There are African elephants (with...
Gandhi (1869–1948) was a famous leader and peacemaker from India who spent his life...