A Day In India Diary
What do you think a day in India is like? Do some research to find out, then write about a typical day in this diary.
Children can really explore India with the help of these worksheets and other printable resources - including fact sheet, quiz and maps, and worksheets on location, culture, food, animals and much more.
What do you think a day in India is like? Do some research to find out, then write about a typical day in this diary.
Here's a climate worksheet that will appeal to the kids! Can they describe the climate of India, then find out the current forecast there and enter the information on the phone app template?
Find out about the vibrant and varied culture of India, then record what you've learned on this worksheet.
Let the kids design their own tourism poster for India using this fun printable. Can they think of an eye-catching slogan to attract attention?
Did you know that a lot of the food eaten in India is vegetarian? Find out more about the food from India, and draw a picture of a typical meal...
Find out about the interesting coat of arms for India and explain what the different parts represent, then try designing your own coat of arms for India on worksheet 2 if you like!
This compare and contrast Venn diagram helps the kids learn what they have in common with children living in India, and to understand the differences too...
Compare and contrast your own life with that of someone living in India with the help of this worksheet. You'll need to do some research first...
It's always useful to know some interesting facts about a country, and this worksheet encourages the kids to do their research on India.
We've got seven useful facts about India written on this poster. Perfect for printing and displaying.
Learn some facts about India with the help of this useful factsheet, covering climate, geography, population and more...
Find India and shade it in, then mark the capital. We have two versions - one easier (guided) and one harder.
Grab some pens or coloured pencils and enjoy colouring in the beautiful national flower of India, the lotus.
India is marked in red on this useful outline map of Asia. Children can see its size relative to other countries, and identify its neighbours too.
What will the children decide to draw in these 5 frames on this India picture gallery printable?
This fantastic postcard features the Taj Majal in India. Can you imagine you've visited India and write a postcard to send to a friend?
Design your own postcard from India, then imagine you're writing it to send home too!
This colourful poster of India is bound to brighten any display! Print using the borderless settings on your printer for the best results.
Print this poster of the outline of India filled with the Indian flag, and use in your displays or project books.
We've got some really interesting questions about India on this fun printable quiz. Use alongside our Introduction to India factsheet.
Can the children describe what's happening in the picture on this India story paper, or try writing an imaginative story?
Use our bumper 25-page study pack to inspire the kids to enjoy learning all about India. There are lots of activities to help them explore the wildlife, geography, climate and everyday lives of people living in India, and plenty of fun to be had too...
This writing prompt is a 3 fold leaflet. Children need to research the information to write an India tourist leaflet. Encourage them to think carefully about the information they might want to include and the style that they need to write in.
Here's a writing exercise with a difference! Can the kids write some content for a travel brochure encouraging people to visit India?
There are two animal words and a bird to find in this India wordsearch - and lots of other words all about India to find too...
When you are learning about India with the kids, you could start with this simple worksheet, ready to print.
Enjoy reading about the history and geography of India, and some fun facts too in this introductory factsheet.
Fill the picture of the suitcase with everything you would need if you were staying in India for a week - you might need to do some research first...
Here is a useful writing page for recording everything you've learned about the Taj Mahal! Choose from colour or black and white versions below.
The beautiful peacock is the national bird of India, but can you find out about the other wildlife in the country (the animals and plants) and record them here?