Canada Day Crafts


Celebrate Canada Day this year by enjoying these Canada Day crafts with your children!

Canada Day Placemat

Canada Day Placemat

Your table will look great for Canada Day with these patriotic placemats, and the kids will enjoy helping you to make them! You could ask the children to sign and date them and then laminate them to keep them for next year, if you like.

Canada Day Sun Visor

Canada Day Sun Visor

The perfect way to keep the sun out of your eyes at your Canada Day picnic!

You will need:

Canada Day T-Shirt

Canada Day T-Shirt

Get out the fabric paints and scraps and have a go at creating your own Canadian flag T-Shirt to help you celebrate Canada Day this year!

You will need:

Leaf Brooch

Leaf Brooch

Here's a quick an easy craft idea for a leaf brooch that children can make themselves or with minimal supervision, perfect for Autumn. For Canada Day, make the leaf brooch with red felt only and use our template, below.

Maple Leaf Mobile

Maple Leaf Mobile

This maple leaf mobile is an excellent Canada Day craft for kids, who will enjoy cutting out and assembling the maple leaf shapes from our template.

You will need:

Patriotic Raft Craft

Patriotic Raft Craft

Have some fun at your Canada Day or Independence Day picnic sailing our patriotic rafts. Why not make a few and, using drinking straws to blow the sails, have races!

Teddy Mascots

Teddy Mascots

Kids can have great fun dressing up their teddies and other toys as mascots - either for a real sporting event (dress them up to support your favourite countries in the Olympics and World Cup, for example, or for a holiday such as Fourth of July or Canada Day) or for your own events (

More Crafts For Canada Day

Canada CraftsCanada Crafts
Enjoy these Canadian-themed crafts when you are learning about the country. We have Mounties, flag crafts and lots of Canadian animals to enjoy.

Fireworks CraftsFireworks Crafts
Often children enjoy the idea of fireworks more than the actual fireworks themselves! But we are sure they will enjoy sitting down to these firework activities.

Quick Craft Idea - Maple Leaf Bath Foam Shapes

One of our favourite quick and easy craft ideas is to cut shapes out of craft foam to use for bath-time fun. They stick to everything - the bath, the tiles and the kids! Why not have a go with some red craft foam and our maple leaf template.

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Canada Day Colouring Pages
Canada Day Colouring Pages

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