Canada Day Colouring Pages


We've got a growing collection of original Canada Day colouring pages here at Activity Village, including some really special new pages including some word art and a group of kids celebrating - great for older kids. We also have a colouring flag and flag bookmarks to colour, We hope you enjoy them!

Canada Bookmarks

Canada Bookmarks

We have 4 versions of our Canada flag bookmarks to print, we have colour versions aswell as black and white versions to colour yourself.

Canada Doodle Colouring Page

Canada Doodle Colouring Page

This Canada doodle colouring page for older children and adults is crammed with little fun details. What can you spot?

Canada Flag Colouring Page

Canada Flag Colouring Page

The Canadian Flag with its bold red and white maple leaf makes a simple colour project.  Print our Canada Flag colouring page to celebrate Canada Day or at any time of year. 

Mountie Colouring Page

Mountie Colouring Page

Here's a fun colouring page of a Canadian mountie, designed for younger kids. You could colour in a whole parade of Mounties and put them up on display!

Mounties colouring page

Mounties Colouring Page

This colouring page for older kids really captures the excitment of a parade by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, Mounties for short. Make sure you have your red pencil or pen handy!

Mounties Colouring Postcard

Mounties Colouring Postcard

We've turned our colouring page of a Mounties parade into a postcard. Kids can colour in the picture, cut out the postcard, fold and glue it, and then write a real or imaginery postcard to a friend. What a fun way to "visit" a country, if you can't get there for real!

More Canada Day Colouring Fun!

Fireworks Colouring Pages Fireworks Colouring Pages
A fun collection of fireworks colouring pages for all occasions!

Canada Colouring PagesCanada Colouring Pages
In our collection of Canada colouring pages you will find a collage of Canada's famous wildlife and colouring pages based on Canada's favourite sports, ice hockey and lacrosse and much more besides!

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