Ten Frames and Ten Towers


Ten frames and ten towers can be used in so many ways in the classroom and home to help with early one to one correspondence and counting skills. We've got a variety - blank or with "counters", numbered, black and white, colour, as posters or flash cards or individual frames and so on. Choose from our collection below.

Numbers to 20 Frames

Numbers to 20 Frames

Print out these frames, laminate them if you wish, and use them with counters or other small objects for learning to count on from 10, addition within 20, subtraction within 20 etc.

Numbers to 20 Towers

Numbers to 20 Towers

Each of this printable provides two useful double-sets of ten towers, perfect for learning to count on from 10 to 20, addition within 20 and so on. They come in a variety of colours and we've included 3 sets of 20 counters too.

Ten Frame Flash Cards

Ten Frame Flash Cards

Using ten frames really helps children to visualise numbers, understand one to one correspondence and build their counting skills. This set of flash cards has 11 cards from 0 to 10 and can be used as folding, double sided flash cards or as 2 separate sets - perhaps for matching activities.

Ten Frame Posters 11 to 20

Ten Frame Posters 11 to 20

Use this set of 10 printables as individual posters, or line them up as a frieze or banner. Alternatively, laminate them and use them as mats in the classroom, to help children visualise and understand how the numbers are made up of 10 plus another number.

Ten Frames - Blank

Ten Frames - Blank

This is our simplest ten frames printable, with 3 black and white frames to print and cut out for your counting activities.

Ten Frames - Colour

Ten Frames - Colour

These useful ten frames print 3 to a page and come in 4 different, cheerful colours. Print the whole set and you will have 12 ten frames ready to use or perhaps to laminate first for durability. We've designed them so they are quick and easy to slice or cut apart.

Ten Frames - Large Blank with Counters

Ten Frames - Large Blank with Counters

This pdf file contains 4 large ten frames with different coloured backgrounds, perfect for counting activities with younger children. Cut them out then laminate them to make them extra glossy and durable! We've included an abundance of counters to cut out too, if you wish.

Ten Frames Numbered Black

Ten Frames Numbered Black

These simple ten frames can be used for display, to sit on tables for reference and for counting and matching activities. Print 3 to a page and choose from UK or US fonts below.

Ten Frames Numbered Colour Horizontal

Ten Frames Numbered Colour Horizontal

There are four colours in each pack of 10 frames, with greyed out numbers for the kids to use as reference and an aid to counting. They are the perfect size for adding counters, snap cubes or other counting aids.

Ten Frames Numbered Colour Vertical

Ten Frames Numbered Colour Vertical

Choose from 4 packs of 10 frames below, each containing 3 different colours with 3 of each per page - perfect for classroom use. These are for when you want to give extra help to the kids and stand the ten frames vertically. Set 1 numbers them from top down, and set 2 numbers them from top up.

Ten Frames Numbered Grey

Ten Frames Numbered Grey

There are three useful 10 frames to print per page, with greyed out letters which the children can use as counting reference, or perhaps to trace over.

Ten Towers 0 to 10

Ten Towers 0 to 10

This useful Ten Towers printable can be used for counting practice or for display. Cut the "ten towers" apart (and laminate each one individually if you wish).

Ten Towers - Blank, Black and White

Ten Towers Blank Black and White

Here is a simple page of blank black and white ten towers to print and cut out. Laminate for repeat use or stick them into a workbook. Alternatively cut the whole block of ten towers out or just turn the page and use them for counting and number activities.

Ten Towers Blank Colour

Ten Towers Blank Colour

This set of Ten Towers includes 5 pages of coloured ten towers to cut out into separate towers or use in blocks of 4. We've also included a variety of counters, should you need some.

Ten Towers for Counting On and Counting Back

Ten Towers for Counting On and Counting Back

Print and cut out this set of 10 Ten Towers, on which we've highlighted the numbers in sequence. Pick up up and put your finger on the highlighted number, then show your child how to count on from that number, and count back from that number.

Ten Towers Number Bonds to 10

Ten Towers Number Bonds to 10

This set of Ten Towers includes "counters" illustrating the possible number bonds to 10. Cut them out separately for counting and number bond practice, or cut them out as blocks and join together to make a colourful wall chart or mat.

Ten Towers Numbered Black and White

Ten Towers Numbered Black and White

These simple black and white Ten Towers can help with counting activities, number bonds to 10, first addition, counting on and so on. Choose from 4 versions: with UK and US school fonts, and numbered up and down from 10.

Ten Towers Numbered Colour

Ten Towers Numbered Colour

Here are some colour versions of our Ten Towers, numbered both up and down from 10. Print and cut out 4 different towers to make counting colourful and fun. Choose from UK or US school fonts too.

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