Summer Holidays Colouring Pages


Print these fun summer holidays colouring pages for kids to enjoy either before or during their holidays. Whether you are packing up to head off by car, plane or camper van, staying at the beach or camping, you should find something appropriate here!

At the Beach Colouring Page

At the Beach Colouring Page

Here's a lovely summer colouring page for the kids showing a typical family day at the beach, complete with buckets and spades, sandcastles, and mum in a deckchair catching up on her reading!

At the Zoo Colouring Page

At the Zoo Colouring Page

This colouring page shows Dad taking his children to the zoo, colour to plan or remember a day out or for Fathers Day.

Boarding the Airplane Colouring Page

Boarding the Airplane Colouring Page

This colouring page shows a family about to embark on an airplane for their summer holiday. I don't know about you, but every time we go on a plane journey, I still get excited when I go up the stairs to the airplane door! I hope you have fun colouring the picture in...

Campervan Colouring Page

Campervan Colouring Page

Enjoy this campervan colouring page - perfect for keeping the kids busy in the back of the camper while you burn up the miles on the way to your camp site!

Camping Trip Colouring Page

Camping Trip Colouring Page

This lovely, detailed colouring page really captures the excitement of a family camping trip and may remind your child of trips you have taken together. Get out the colouring pencils and enjoy!

Car Trip Colouring Page

Car Trip Colouring Page

Get ready for summer with this fun colouring page of a family heading off on a road trip! There's lots of detail to colour in, which older kids will really appreciate...

Packing for Vacation Colouring Page

Packing for Vacation Colouring Page

Our colouring page captures all of the excitement of packing for your vacation or holiday - and as you can see in the picture, getting the suitcase closed can be tricky if you don't choose your holiday wardrobe and toys carefully!

School's Out Doodle Colouring Page

School's Out Doodle Colouring Page

This fun colouring page is great for the last day of term. I suspect a few teachers might like to get out the pens and enjoy this one too.

Suitcase Tracing Page

Suitcase Tracing Page

The simple lines on our suitcase tracing page suggest that your youngest children might enjoy this worksheet, tracing in the "channels" between the dotted lines with a thick pen or crayon and then colouring the picture in.

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Summer Printables

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