A fun collection of robot colouring pages for kids! We've made them big and bold so that younger children can enjoy them too, and some of them cut out nicely for display. Add glitter and metal washers or sequins after colouring in for an extra special robot picture.
There are 12 delightful robot colouring pages in this pack. The robots are quirky and fun, and set against backgrounds which make them really interesting for older kids to colour in. Use metallic and gel pens to make these colouring pages really stand out!
Print this robot colouring page out for the kids to colour in. He's a conventional sort of a robot, but he looks friendly, don't you think?
The robot in this colouring page looks like he would be fun to have around, and useful, too.
Is this a round robot or an alien from outer space? Only the child who is colouring in this colouring page will be able to tell you that!
Here's one of our five robot colouring pages to print and enjoy with the kids. This chap looks like he could have come from Star Wars...
Doesn't the robot in this robot colouring page look like an owl? He doesn't look as feathery as an owl would, though!
More Robot Activities

You will find a fun collection of robot crafts for all ages here - from pre-school to pre-teen...
Robot Crafts