Remembrance Day Worksheets


Use these Remembrance Day worksheets and learning resources in the classroom or home. We've provided activities for EYFS up to Year 6, to help with handwriting practice, creative writing (story paper and Remembrance Day acrostic poem printables), fact finding and fact filling worksheets, and design activities.

We also have a large Remembrance Day Poetry collection here.

Cenotaph Comprehension

Cenotaph Comprehension

This Remembrance Day comprehension activity asks children to read about the Cenotaph (the same text as we have on our Cenotaph page here) and then answer the questions. The final question requires some creative writing.

Cenotaph Story Paper

Cenotaph Story Paper

Use this Cenotaph story paper to write down what you have learned about the Cenotaph and the National Service of Remembrance, or Remembrance Day in general. We have two versions: one headed "The Cenotaph" and one blank.

Design a Medal for Remembrance Day

Design a Medal for Remembrance Day

Medals are worn with pride on Remembrance Day. What sort of medal would the kids design, and what would they award it for? This printable provides four traditional medal designs to get them started.

Field of Poppies Story Paper

Field of Poppies Story Paper

This "field of poppies" story paper can be used in many ways, but we designed it with Remembrance Day in mind. Children could write a story set in World War I, or perhaps explain why poppies are used for remembrance and for fundraising in November.

Lest We Forget Story Paper

Lest We Forget Story Paper

Use this story paper - which comes in both colour and black and white - for the kids to write about Remembrance Day. The page is just the right size for them to write about the history and rituals of Remembrance Day and reasons behind them.

Poppy Acrostic Poem Printable

Poppy Acrostic Poem Printable

Use these acrostic poem printables to spark some creative writing for Remembrance Day. They can also be used as writing frames or posters.

Poppy Dot to Dot

Poppy Dot to Dot

Join the dots (from 1 to 15) to make a beautiful poppy for Remembrance Day.

Poppy Finger Tracing

Poppy Finger Tracing

Children can practice their letters with this finger tracing poppy printable for Remembrance Day. Laminate for repeat use - and then use with a dry-erase pen for more practice.

Poppy Handwriting Worksheet

Poppy Handwriting Worksheet

Practice writing the word "poppy" for Remembrance Day with this printable handwriting worksheet. Colour in the poppy, too.

Poppy Story Paper

Poppy Story Paper

This poppy story paper features a black and white image of a paper Remembrance Day poppy for your child to colour in, and either handwriting lines or normal lines for your child's writing.

Poppy Tracing Page

Poppy Tracing Page

Trace a pretty body for Remembrance Day, perhaps using a red pen for the outline of the poppy, a green pen for the outline of the stem, and a black pen for the outline of the centre circle. Younger children can trace within the dotted lines: all the kids can trace both sets of dotted lines.

Poppy Word Tracing

Poppy Word Tracing

This poppy word tracing worksheet is great for practising handwriting and would make a good activity for remembrance day too.

Poppy Writing Page

Poppy Writing Page

Use this poppy writing page for your Remembrance Day writing projects. Why do we use a poppy as a symbol of remembrance?

Remember Acrostic Poem Printable

Remember Acrostic Poem Printable

Here's another Remembrance Day acrostic poem printable, using the word REMEMBER and a simple illustration of a Remembrance Day poppy.

Remember Finger Tracing

Remember Finger Tracing

Here's a simple finger tracing exercise for Poppy Day using the word "remember". You could laminate the printable for repeat use, in which case your child could use a dry-erase pen to practice the letters.

Remembrance Day Acrostic

Remembrance Day Acrostic

This pretty acrostic poem printable for Remembrance Day features a colourful poppy border and the word REMEMBER. It can also be used as a writing frame.

Remembrance Day Sensory Poem Planning Sheet

Remembrance Day Sensory Poem Planning Sheet

Use this printable to help children write a sensory poem about Remembrance Day. They could try to capture their memories of a Remembrance Day service or parade - or perhaps imagine they are World War 1 or World War II survivor and write the poem through another person's eyes.

Remembrance Day Story Paper

Remembrance Day Story Paper

This Remembrance Day story paper comes in colour or black and white, with picture on the left and space for some writing on the right. Kids can use it to tell the story of Remembrance Day, or perhaps to recount their version of what they did, in remembrance.

Remembrance Day Word Cards

Remembrance Day Word Cards

Here are 24 words or phrases associated with Remembrance Day, and one blank card for any that you want to add yourself.

Remembrance Day Worksheet

Remembrance Day Worksheet

When you've found out what Remembrance Day is all about, use this simple worksheet for recording what you've learned. Or start the other way round, using the worksheet to spark your child's research and fact-finding.

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