Help these rabbit friends find their way to the centre of the maze! Rabbit maze 2 - Log in or Become a Member to downloadRabbit maze 2 - solution - Log in or Become a Member to download Explore Activity VillageHolidaysEasterEaster PuzzlesEaster MazesPuzzlesMazesTopicsAnimalsAnimals A-ZRabbitsRabbit PuzzlesBritish WildlifeBritish Wildlife PuzzlesBritish Wildlife MazesPet AnimalsPet Animal PuzzlesPet Animal MazesAnimal PuzzlesAnimal MazesSeasonsSpringSpring PuzzlesSpring Mazes
Rabbit Maze We have three levels of this fun maze. Kids need to find the greedy rabbit find his way through the maze to the carrot patch!
How Many Bunnies Can You Count? Two printable Easter puzzles - one much more difficult than the other - in which children need to count up the Easter bunnies. Fun for Spring too. Good counting practice for little ones!
Sheep Maze Fun for spring, Easter or a farm animal theme, practise pencil control by drawing a line through the maze to help the lamb find her mum.