Personal, Social, Health and Citizenship Education or PSHCE is about guiding children to participate in the world we live in. Help them learn to care for themselves and take a role in society as an active citizen, caring for people and the environment, with the aid of our resources. You will find that many areas of the site are suitable for use in your PSHCE planning, some of the most useful can be found below.


Health and Wellbeing Resources

Learn how to keep healthy physically with the help of our human body, food and sport topics. Our wellbeing topic is full of motivational messages for self-encouragement, while our 'all about me' topic encourages children to consider themselves as individuals. Goal setting will help your children be the best they can be.

Just a small collection of human body printables right now, but we have more in the pipeline! We...

We've had some fun with a food (and drink) topic for children, creating all sorts of...

Whether your children are interested in summer sports or winter sports, team sports or solo...

Learning about themselves and what makes them unique and special is such a fun way to introduce...

Goal setting is an important skill, and if we teach goal setting for kids and make it fun, it...

Can children make a difference in the world? Of course they can! And perhaps if they are...

The New Normal

We are all having to get used to living slightly different post-Covid, remembering to wash our hands perhaps more than we used to and getting used to wearing masks (and for children, seeing adults wearing masks). We hope that these resources help.

Lots NEW! Washing hands properly has never been more important, and is something that children...

It seems that masks are going to be a feature of life for some to come, and for children who are...

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