Desert Island Playdough Mat
Print our desert island playdough mat onto card and laminate. Children can then add their own pirates to the island, and maybe a parrot or two?
Print off these fun pirate playdough mats and get your youngest children taking part in your pirate theme. You can laminate them for repeat use or just print them out and throw them away at the end of the session. We've got some really fun ideas to choose from here!
Print our desert island playdough mat onto card and laminate. Children can then add their own pirates to the island, and maybe a parrot or two?
Use some white playdough to make a skull and crossbones to add to the Jolly Roger flag. Print onto card and laminate so the mat can be reused.
Young children will love decorating our parrot playdough mat with bright colours. Who's a pretty boy then?
Which colours will the children use to decorate the pirate hat on our playdough mat? Red is always good for pirates, or they may even have some sparkly gold playdough to give the hat a fancy trim? Print out the card and laminate so it can be used over again.
Yo ho ho! Here's a fun activity for the kids to try. Use your playdough to make a pirate to wear the hat - you can make him look as scary or funny as you like! Print and laminate the card then you can start again with a new pirate face!
Shiver me timbers! Children can use playdough to make a hat, hook and peg leg for this pirate - and if you laminate the card you can reuse the mat lots of times!
Young children will love adding some bright sails to this pirate ship. What colours will they choose?
The children will need lots of playdough in bright jewel colours to fill the treasure chest with pirate booty! If you laminate the card once you've printed it, the kids can reuse it lots of times...
Playdough is a fantastic material for young children to work with. This printable playdough mat lets them use their creativity to make their own treasure map where they can add mountains, trees, caves - anything they can think of!