Para Powerlifting


Para powerlifting is an adaptoin of powerlifting to make is suitable for disabled athletes. Athletes bench press various weights. We have some fun printable activities here that the kids can enjoy - perhaps for the Para Olympics or Commonwealth Games.

Para Powerlifting Colouring Page

Para Powerlifting Colouring Page

Para powerlifters are known to lift more than three times their bodyweight! Here's a picture of para powerlifting event to colour in...

Para Powerlifting Story Paper

Para Powerlifting Story Paper

Use this para powerlifting story paper to record a para powerlifting event that you've seen, or to write an imaginative story about this sport...

Para Powerlifting Writing Page

Para Powerlifting Writing Page

Use this para powerlifting themed writing page to inspire the kids to put pen to paper. It's perfect for writing about the sport - perhaps this powerlifter is taking part in a competition and trying to win a medal?

Powerlifting Finger Tracing

Powerlifting Finger Tracing

Finger tracing is a fun way to start learning how to write. Once the children have had a go at finger tracing the word 'powerlifting', they can colour in the picture too...

Powerlifting Handwriting Worksheet

Powerlifting Handwriting Worksheet

Ask the children to trace the word powerlifting until they are confident enough to write it on their own. It's quite a long word so they might need a bit of practise...

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