Pancake Day Crafts


Here's a collection of fun, quick and easy Pancake Day crafts for kids, suitable for home or classroom, solo crafting session or group! Who can resist?

Beanbag Pancake Dolls

Beanbag Pancake Dolls

Isn't this little pancake gorgeous? Make Pancake Day a little different this year with this original craft for making your own Beanbag Pancake Dolls - the kids will come up with some wonderful creations!

Make Beanbag Pancakes

Make Beanbag Pancakes

This craft does double duty, because not only will the kids enjoy helping you make a "stack" of these beanbag pancakes, but they can toss them and play with them in many ways later. Look at our Beanbag Games page for inspiration!

Pancake Finger Puppets

Pancake Finger Puppets

Here is an original idea for Pancake Day - make some pancake finger puppets with your children! Perhaps the kids could make a few and put on a special Pancake Day puppet show!

Paper Pancake Dolls

Paper Pancake Dolls

All your children need are some paper scraps and other bits and pieces, and some imagination, to make these fun paper pancake dolls for your Pancake Day celebration! Perfect for younger kids.

More Pancake Day Activities

Make a stack game
Find more Pancake Day activity suggestions on our main Pancake Day page:
Pancake Day

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