A Book is Like a Garden Poster
A book is like a garden carried in a pocket. So says this lovely Chinese proverb ... and I know many of us will agree! This would make a fun poster for a reading corner or a library.
We used to celebrate National Libraries Day. Now we celebrate National Libraries Week! It gives us a really good chance to love and appreciate our local libraries, and show our appreciation to librarians and volunteers.
Remember that libraries provide much more than just a wealth of free books for all ages. They provide community, a safe place, calm, friendship and, of course, story time!
In the US, National Library Week will be 6th to 12th April 2025. In the UK, National Libraries Week will be 6th to 12th October 2025 (to be confirmed).
In 2023 National Libraries Week in the UK is becoming Green Libraries Week to celebrate the work our libraries do towards sustainability and climate change.
Why not use National Libraries Week as an excuse for a visit? Libraries are under pressure, and if we don't use them, we might lose them. While you are there, find out about everything that's on offer and join up if you haven't already. Take out a book or two and a DVD perhaps. And say thank you to the librarians that work so hard to make it all possible!
A book is like a garden carried in a pocket. So says this lovely Chinese proverb ... and I know many of us will agree! This would make a fun poster for a reading corner or a library.
You will need to look through lots of autumnal picture books to find these pictures. You could do it at home or at the library and hopefully you'll find some lovely books to read.
Can you come up with a book themed word for each letter of the alphabet? Here's our book alphabet challenge page to print and distribute.
Here's a simple picture of a story book for kids to print and colour in. Just click the link below for our printable version.
This book frame can be used in many ways, and comes in three varieties: blank, one side lined and the other left unlined for a picture, and both sides lines. Use it as a writing or drawing frame, for book reports, for notices on the board, or even as story paper ...
Here's a books colouring page featuring a stack of children's books to colour in.
Here's a fun way to keep a reading list! Just get the kids to write the names of the books (and maybe the authors) on the spines and covers on the picture. Perhaps they could colour in each book as they read it?
Print and cut out the different sizes of books, then ask the kids to sort them by size. Laminate the books if you want to reuse them again.
Do you create a reading list for your children? If so this is the planner for you. Alternatively use it to encourage children to choose their own books. It would be helpful for listing books to read for a project or to make a list of those to reserve from the library.
Children can trace the dotted lines of these books - quite tricky as there are lots of straight lines involved! Younger children could trace within the channel formed by the double lines instead.
These colouring bookmarks are chunky and fun, depicting a bookshelf full of adult books for the kids to colour in and perfect for them to give a favourite adult as a little gift...
Here's a bookshelf full of children's books, spines outward - and it makes a really fun bookmarks for the kids to colour in and use themselves or gift to friends or siblings!
Here's a fun bookshelf full of cookery books for the kids to colour in - and it makes a perfect little gift for them to give to any favourite adult cooks, especially with a nice message on the back!
What better to mark the place in your reading book than a bookworm bookmark! These cute little fellows will encourage the kids to read. We've left space on the background for you to write a message, a child's name or perhaps the page numbers.
Colour in and cut out 4 fun bookworm colouring bookmarks - perfect for keeping the place in your reading books! We've left space for writing page numbers, a child's name or a message.
These bookmarks are quick to print and cut out and they look particularly nice if you use a punch to curve the corners and then laminate them. Perfect for any occasion, really - National Libraries Day, World Book Day, reading incentives or rewards in the classroom etc.
These lovely colouring bookmarks are sure to go down well with the kids! Print onto card and cut out in advance, then hand them out to be coloured in. Libraries could leave a stack out ready to be coloured. We have a pre-coloured version too, here.
It looks like these kids have some reading to do! Colour them in - and maybe write the names of your favourite books on the spines too?
This lovely bright printable poster will brighten up the classroom, library or nursery, and hopefully remind children of how much fun it is to read books! You could even write your favourite titles on the spines with a fine tipped pen.
Encouraging your child to read a wide variety of books is probably the best education you can give them - but sometimes it seems an uphill struggle! We have put together a collection of tips and tricks to encourage reading which may give you some ideas.
If I could learn about anything at all, I would like to learn about.... Children can draw pictures or write about all the things they would most like to learn about using this open book printable.
This lovely quote by Julia Donaldson all about books and libraries is perfect for displaying in a reading corner or school library.
Here's a fun step by step tutorial teaching children how to draw a librarian - part of our professions and school series of learn to draw printables. Click below for the printable version.
"Libraries allow children to ask questions about the world and find the answers." This quote by Laura Bush sits on a black and white photo of a boy enjoying a book in a library.
Here's a cheerful librarian colouring page for young children. I'm sure she won't tell you to 'shh!'
Here's a cute printable poster of a librarian to use in a "People Who Help Us" theme, in school, or the library! Scroll down for matching colouring page and "learn to draw" printable, and click on the link below for our printable version of the poster.
Coming up with one word for each letter of the alphabet, all to do with the library, isn't going to be easy! Print out our library alphabet challenge and give it a go...
Available in either colour or black and white, this library books tracker will keep the family organised - and it looks great out on display, too. The colour version is best printed with your printer's borderless settings.
These library colouring bookmarks can be used for the public library or the school library. Why not cut them out in advance and put a stack out, ready for the kids to colour in? Every bookmark needs a book to put it in...
You don't have to guess where these children are coming from - the library! They each have a good stack of books to read which will keep them busy for a while, as we hope this colouring page will do for your children!
Help the librarian find her way through the maze to collect the book on the other side. If the book doesn't go back on the shelf, who will be able to borrow it?
You might display this lovely colourful library poster at school or at home to remind kids to go to the library - or in the library itself! It prints best using your printer's borderless settings.
Our library scavenger hunt is a brilliant way to get the kids involved at the library and help them discover everything that's on offer. Print a page for each child, give them a pencil, and off they go!
Libraries aren't just about borrowing books and reading. Here's a word search puzzle on a library theme for the kids to try.
Hunt through our fun library word search puzzle to find the library-themed words! There's a picture for the kids to colour in too, if they like.
There's much more to working in a library than just handing out books. Can the children find out more about the job of a librarian, and write about it here?
Ask the kids to draw one of their favourite book characters into each of the gallery windows on this fun activity - perhaps for World Book Day, or National Libraries Day?
Make a list of your favourite books and sign and date it. It will be fun to look back on in the future. Why not update the list once a year, on your birthday or World Book Day, perhaps?
Ask the children to choose five of their favourite books and illustrate them for this picture gallery printable. This might make a good end-of-summer-holiday activity.
Oh the places you'll go!
Who doesn't love this fabulous poem from Dr Seuss? This colourful poster might brighten up a corner of the library, or perhaps the bedroom of an adventurous child...
This is a fun activity that can be done at home or in the library. You will need to look through lots of picture books to find the things in this scavenger hunt and you might find some interesting new books to read.
Four fun printable bookmarks to give to kids when they've read well. Useful for classroom or home.
Children will enjoy studying this lovely picture of children enjoying a session in the library - and then answering our interesting questions!
Bright and cheerful, with quotes to inspire reading, these printable bookmarks would make a great gift.
A little girl enjoys reading a story with her Grandma in this pretty colouring page. Why not send it to Grandma with a letter or a note on the back?
School books line the top and bottom of this bordered scrapbook paper design. Add a photo in the central section of the page, perhaps. This printable would also work well for a front cover, with space for you to write your own title.
Do you know anybody who loves books? Then this is the card to give them - and they will love it even more because of the effort gone in to colouring it.
Here's a colouring page for all you book lovers out there - and that makes it one for me, too. Colour in this lovely design with the words "So Many Books, So Little Time". We've left a border around it so that you can treat it as a print and frame it when done.
This story paper is the story of my life! It's a fun one for the kids to colour in and use for a writing activity. Perhaps they could record a list of books they want to read? Or you could use it to send a letter to a book loving friend...
There are lots of different types of story genres hidden in this word search. Can you find them all?
Here's a cute story time poster to display in your story corner or bring out when it is story time.
Ask young children what they like most about school, and many will answer story time! Here's some story time story paper that they can use to write about it, or to make up a story... Choose from the download links below depending on which version you prefer.
Colour in this cute picture of a teacher reading with children on the story mat. Fold for a quick card.
This colouring page shows the best part of the school day - when teacher gets out a story and reads to the children!
Here's a lovely colouring page of a peaceful story time scene in the classroom. There's lots of detail to make it interesting to colour in.
This is one of my favourite set of lines from Dr Seuss - reminding children that the whole world opens up for those who read.
Even in this digital age there are many of us who love a good book - and who love colouring in, too! Print this card and colour it in for someone special.
This lovely colouring page, designed for older children and adults, will strike a chord with all us book lovers! We've left a border around the outside so that you can frame it if you wish, once coloured in. Perfect for a library colouring page, perhaps?
"The world belongs to those who read." This quote story paper and colouring page in one is ideal for writing book reviews or for World Book Day writing projects.
We love books, and we love the heart shape of this pretty book too! We thought it was the perfect backdrop to this lovely quote by Ernest Hemingway: "There is no friend as loyal as a book". The poster is best printed using your printer's borderless settings.
We thought it would be fun to make a colouring page that reminded children that it's time to visit the library - so here it is! We have a poster, too.
If your kids love to visit the library, they won't need this poster. If, however, they need a little prompting that it's time to visit the library - here's the poster for them!
"With freedom, books, flowers, and the moon who could not be happy?" This story paper might be useful for writing a book review, or for a list of your favourite books and flowers?
This beautiful card is suitable for any general occasion - to say thank you, to say hello, to wish someone happy birthday etc. It features a quote that reminds us how lucky we are.
Here is a colouring card for one of my all-time favourite quotes by Oscar Wilde: "With freedom, books, flowers and the moon who could not be happy?"
"With freedom, books, flowers and the moon, who could not be happy?" said Oscar Wilde, and I have always agreed - although I would add family and friends into the list too.
"With freedom, books, flowers and the moon, who could not be happy?" So said Oscar Wilde, and we love the quote so much that we turned it into this pretty poster.
We love it when libraries share our activities. Librarian members are welcome to print resources from Activity Village to distribute at your library. We only ask that you keep them "as is", with our copyright and URL intact, and nothing added. You might find our general Topic and Holiday pages useful, as well as our more specific sections below:
Q: Where do library books like to sleep?
A: Under their covers!
I found this lovely set of Library A to Z posters, which have been made freely available by The Library A to Z. You can find the posters here. You will be leaving Activity Village if you click on either of these links.