Measuring Printables


Here you will find useful measuring printables such as word cards, printable rulers, grid paper and more...

More coming soon.

Grid Paper 0.5cm Square

Grid Paper 0.5cm Square

Here's our smallest grid paper, with 0.5cm squares. As with our other printable grid papers, it is available in grey and in five bright colours to make your projects more fun!

Grid Paper 0.75cm Square

Grid Paper 0.75cm Square

Grid paper in 0.75cm squares is quite a useful size for children. We've perked ours up by offering it in five fun colours! Quick to print...

Grid Paper 1cm Square

Grid Paper 1cm Square

Our 1cm grid paper is quick to print and comes in five fun colours as well as grey. Use it for maths, drawing, designing, patterns...

Grid Paper 2cm Engineering

Grid Paper 2cm Engineering

Engineering grid paper has a thicker line every 2 squares. We have two versions - one grey and one multi-coloured (red and blue) - of this useful printable.

Grid Paper 2cm Square

Grid Paper 2cm Square

Our large 2cm squared grid paper comes in grey and an additional five colours for fun! Print on your printer's borderless settings if you want a perfect result, but standard settings may be enough.

Measurement Vocabulary Word Cards

Measurement Vocabulary Word Cards

These word cards introduce the first measurement words that children will need to learn - including comparative adjectives for measuring length and height and simple metric (UK) and traditional (US) units of measurement.

More Measuring Resources

Measuring Worksheets
Measuring Worksheets

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