Fourth of July Puzzles


Have some fun with our 4th of July puzzles and mazes.  Why not pop some in the picnic basket to entertain the kids at your 4th of July picnic?

4th of July Word Search

4th of July Word Search

We have three levels of Fourth of July word search here to choose from - easy, medium and difficult.

Bonfire Dot to Dot

Bonfire Dot to Dot

This bonfire dot to dot needs careful observation skills to follow the dots in the right order and draw the flickering flames.

Bonfire Night Mystery Picture 3

Bonfire Night Mystery Picture 3

Can the kids guess what this mystery picture puzzle is going to be? Transfer the picture, square by square, to see what will be revealed!

Complete the Statue of Liberty Puzzle

Complete the Statue of Liberty Puzzle

This puzzle is a real test of observation as children need to look closely at the picture on the right so they can complete their own Statue of Liberty.

Complete Uncle Sam Puzzle

Complete Uncle Sam Puzzle

Can the kids complete the picture on the left by copying across the missing details from the right-hand picture of Uncle Sam? They will need to concentrate...

Fourth of July Maze

Fourth of July Maze

Kids can have a go at this Fourth of July maze, helping Uncle Sam find his way through the maze to retrieve his hat!

Fourth of July Maze - Easy

Fourth of July Maze - Easy

Navigate Uncle Sam through this fun Fourth of July maze. This is an easier version for younger children.

How Many Smaller Words - Independence Day

Independence Day How Many Words Puzzle

How many smaller words can the kids make using the letters of Independence Day? Just as fun as a timed classroom activity as for  a solo challenge. Best printed with your printer's "borderless" settings.

Picnic Word Search

Picnic Word Search

Can the kids find all the picnic-related words in this word search puzzle?

Picnic Word Search - Easy

Picnic Word Search - Easy

Find all the picnic-ky words in this easy picnic word search - perfect for summer holidays or perhaps Fourth of July.

Rocket Dot to Dot

Rocket Dot to Dot

Keep children busy while they wait for the fireworks to start with our firework rocket dot to dot. With a simple outline and numbers 1-10 this is a great puzzle for the very young.

State Capitals Scramble

State Capitals Scramble

We have three levels of difficulty on this State capitals scramble puzzle, designed to provide a test for all ages! In the easiest level, we provide a number of letter clues. In the medium version, we give the first letter. In the harder level, there are no clues at all.

State Capitals Word Search

State Capitals Word Search

Can the kids find all 50 State capitals in this BIG word search? It might take a while! Words can be horizontal, vertical or diagonal, but not backwards.

States of America Alphabet Order Challenge

States of America Alphabet Order Challenge

This is definitely a test of stamina! But it can also be a real help in memorising the 50 States. Did you know, for example, that both Ms and Ns have 8 states? We've got two versions of the challenge - the prompted, easier of which provides the first letter of the State as a help.

States of America Word Search

States of America Word Search

Can you find all the states of the United States of America, in this huge word search? Tick them off as you find them...

Statue of Liberty Grid Copy

Statue of Liberty Grid Copy

Using a grid to help you draw gives you a guide to size and position. The Statue of Liberty has lots of details so children can make lots of use of the grid as they copy the picture.  

Uncle Sam Grid Copy

Uncle Sam Grid Copy

Copy our picture of Uncle Sam, one square of the grid at a time. Good practice!

Word Wheel Challenge 8

Word Wheel Challenge 8

Here's another word wheel challenge which could be useful for Bonfire Night, Diwali or Fourth of July...

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Fourth of July Colouring Pages
Fourth of July Colouring Pages

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