Flag Colouring Pages


Below you will find our collection of high quality printable flag colouring pages for over 100 countries, and counting!

Albania Colouring Flag

Albania Colouring Flag

Have a go at colouring this flag of Albania. It is a very bright red colour with a black double headed eagle in the centre.

All Flags of Europe Colouring Pages

All Flags of Europe Colouring Pages

This complete set of flags of Europe colouring pages includes a linked index to make it very quick and easy to find and print the one you want. All are in the correct flag propotions too.

Andorra Colouring Flag

Andorra Colouring Flag

Kids can have fun colouring this flag of Andorra. They will need your red, yellow and blue pens. Perhaps you could point out the two tiny cows on the coat of arms!

Armenia Colouring Flag

Armenia Colouring Flag

Colour in this flag and then you can add it to your collection of flags, or make some bunting of flags from around the world. The Armenian flag is red, blue and yellow, from top to bottom.

Aruba Flag Colouring Page

Aruba Flag Colouring Page

Larkspur blue, yellow, red and white are the colours of the Aruba flag. Print our colouring page and have a go…

Azerbaijan Colouring Flag

Azerbaijan Colouring Flag

There are many smaller countries in eastern Europe whose flags are not well known; Azerbaijan for example! Take the opportunity to study it by completing this colouring in flag.

Bahamas Flag Colouring Page

Bahamas Flag Colouring Page

You will need black for the triangle and yellow and blue for the stripes to colour this Bahamas flag colouring page.

Bahrain Flag Colouring Page

Bahrain Flag Colouring Page

Here is a colouring page of the Bahrain flag, ready to be coloured in with its striking red and white design.

Belarus Colouring Flag

Belarus Colouring Flag

Try your hand at colouring this flag from Belarus. The decoration on the side is red and white. The top is red and the bottom strip is green.

Belgium Flag Colouring Page

Belgium Flag Colouring Page

Colour the flag of Belgium in black, yellow and white. Could you colour a picture of every flag of the world?

Bhutan Flag Colouring Page

Bhutan Flag Colouring Page

The lovely Bhutan flag features the Thunder Dragon, the emblem of the country, on a yellow and orange background. Here's a colouring page for the kids.

Bolivia Flag Colouring Page

Bolivia Flag Colouring Page

There's a lot of detail in a very small area in the centre of the Bolivian flag, making it a little difficult to colour in! But here's a Bolivia flag colouring page for those who dare to try...

Bulgaria Flag Colouring Page

Bulgaria Flag Colouring Page

Stripy flags are nice and easy for younger children to colour in. The flag of Bulgaria is white, green and yellow, from top to bottom.

Burkina Faso Flag Colouring Page

Burkina Faso Flag Colouring Page

Colour the top stripe red and the bottom stripe green, and the star yellow. There! You've coloured in the flag of Burkina Faso!

Burundi Flag Colouring Page

Burundi Flag Colouring Page

The Burundi flag is quite unusual, but not too difficult to colour in. Grab a bright green and a bright red pencil, and print it out...

Cambodia Flag Colouring Page

Cambodia Flag Colouring Page

Here's the flag of Cambodia for the kids to colour in, featuring the Angkor Wat temple complex in the centre.

Canada Flag Colouring Page

Canada Flag Colouring Page

The Canadian Flag with its bold red and white maple leaf makes a simple colour project.  Print our Canada Flag colouring page to celebrate Canada Day or at any time of year. 

China Flag Colouring Page

China Flag Colouring Page

Colour in the China flag with our printable colouring page. It's just one of many flag colouring pages here at Activity Village!

Colombia Colouring Flag

Colombia Flag Colouring Page

Kids can have a go at colouring in the flag of Colombia. It isn't the most difficult flag - but be sure to get the colours in the right order!

Comoros Flag Colouring Page

Comoros Flag Colouring Page

Colour in the flag of Comoros, which dates to 2002.The stripes are yellow, white, red and blue starting from the top, and the background of the triangle is dark green.

Congo Flag Colouring Page

Congo Flag Colouring Page

Here is a colouring page for the Congo flag. Grab your red, green and yellow pencils and turn the printer on!

Costa Rica Colouring Flag

Costa Rica Flag Colouring Page

There's a lot of detail on the Costa Rica coat of arms, which sits in the central red stripe of the Costa Rica flag. You will need to do some very careful colouring in on this flag colouring page!

Croatia Flag Colouring Page

Croatia Flag Colouring Page

Here's a Croatian flag colouring page for kids - just click on the link below to download a high quality pdf version or use the jpg below.

Cuba Flag Colouring Page

Cuba Flag Colouring Page

Colour in the Cuban flag with our printable colouring page. It's just one of many flag colouring pages here at Activity Village!

Denmark Colouring Flag

Denmark Flag Colouring Page

This colouring page of the flag of Denmark would be great fun to do alongside the matching jigsaw. Why not go the whole hog and print some flags to wave too?

Design a Flag - Blank

Design a Flag - Blank

Here's an outline of a flag so that you can design your own! Go for it, and make it really special!

Dominica Flag Colouring Page

Dominica Flag Colouring Page

Look closely at the flag of Dominica before attempting this colouring page to see if you can get the colours right.

Dominican Republic Flag Colouring Page

Dominican Republic Flag Colouring Page

The flag of the Dominican Republic has an interesting design of a white cross on an alternating red and blue background, with a detailed coat of arms in the centre. Here is a colouring page to print for the kids.

El Salvador Flag Colouring Page

El Salvador Flag Colouring Page

It will be easy to colour in the blue stripes on the El Salvador flag, but less easy to colour in the detailed coat of arms on the central white stripe!

Estonia Colouring Flag

Estonia Colouring Flag

Estonia has a flag which is blue, black and white from top to bottom. It has been their flag since they became independent in 1918. Here's a chance to print and colour your own.

Ethiopia Flag Colouring Page

Ethiopia Flag Colouring Page

Here's a colouring page of the Ethiopian flag for the kids. It has the typical green, yellow and red of African flags, together with a blue circle and yellow star design in the centre.

Falkland Islands Flag Colouring Page

Falkland Islands Flag Colouring Page

Colour in the flag of the Falkland Islands. You'll need red and blue for the Union flag and "field" - the background colour of the flag - but there's a lot more detail in the Falklands coat of arms!

Finland Flag Colouring Page

Finland Flag Colouring Page

Keep your little one occupied with this colouring flag. The flag of Finland is easy to colour in as it comprises a dark blue cross on a white background!

France Flag Colouring Page

France Flag Colouring Page

Learn the colours of the flag of France by colouring in this page. You will need blue, white and red!

Gabon Flag Colouring Page

Gabon Flag Colouring Page

Here is the Gabonese flag to colour in. Colour the top stripe green, the middle stripe yellow and the bottom stripe blue.

Gambia Flag Colouring Page

Gambia Flag Colouring Page

You might need a copy of the coloured flag to help you get the details on this Gambia colouring flag correct.

Georgia Colouring Flag

Georgia Colouring Flag

This colouring in flag belongs to Georgia and is known as the "five cross flag". Younger children will have fun colouring it in; it's nice and easy with red crosses on a white background.

Ghana Flag Colouring Page

Ghana Flag Colouring Page

You'll need yellow, red, green and black felt-tip pens or crayons to colour in the flag of Ghana.

Gibraltar Flag Colouring Page

Gibraltar Flag Colouring Page

It will be fun to colour the castle and key on this colouring flag. The flag belongs to Gibraltar, the only bit of Britain that can claim to be in the Mediterranean!

Guam Flag Colouring Page

Guam Flag Colouring Page

The Guam flag is very distinctive and will be a fun one to colour in, I think. Just print out our colouring flag and grab your pencils...

Guatemala Flag Colouring Page

Guatemala Flag Colouring Page

Colour in the Guatemalan flag. The outside stripes are a pretty sky blue. The central design is includes a pretty bird called a quetzal, which is the national bird of Guatemala.

Guinea Flag Colouring Page

Guinea Flag Colouring Page

African flags often use the colours red, green and yellow, and the Guinea flag is no exception. The stripes are red, yellow and green, from left to right.

Haiti Flag Colouring Page

Haiti Flag Colouring Page

Here's a colouring page of the Haiti flag to print for the kids. It's not an easy one to colour in!

Hong Kong Flag Colouring Page

Hong Kong Flag Colouring Page

Print and colour the pretty Hong Kong flag. The central orchid flower should be left white and the background coloured red.

Indonesia Flag Colouring Page

Indonesia Flag Colouring Page

The Indonesian flag is a very simple design of two stripes, red and white. Print out our colouring flag and grab your red pencil!

Iran Colouring Flag

Iran Flag Colouring Page

Colouring in the stunning flag of Iran, using a red pen and a green pen. You might want a sharp point to colour the detail successfully!

Iraq Flag Colouring Page

Iraq Flag Colouring Page

Print and colour the flag of Iraq. The script in the central white stripe should be coloured green and translates as "God is great".

Israel Flag Colouring Page

Israel Flag Colouring Page

Refer to our other flag printables to make sure you get the colours right on this Israeli flag colouring page.

Jersey Flag Colouring Page

Jersey Flag Colouring Page

Enjoy colouring in this Jersey Flag printable - the three leopards might be the trickiest part to colour in!

Jolly Roger Colouring Page

Jolly Roger Colouring Page

Every pirate needs a Jolly Roger - or a pirate flag - and here's one for the kids to colour in! You'll need a black crayon or colouring pencil for the background, of course.

Jordan Flag Colouring Page

Jordan Flag Colouring Page

Here's a colouring flag for Jordan. Like many Arab countries, the flag features the colours red, black and green.

Kazakhstan Colouring Flag

Kazakhstan Colouring Flag

This colouring flag of Kazakhstan has a lot of detail in the sun, eagle and traditional decorative strip. One for those with a steady hand.

Kosovo Flag Colouring Page

Kosovo Flag Colouring Page

The Kosovo flag was adopted in 2008 and has a deep blue background, a gold outline of the country in the centre, and six white stars. Here's a colouring page ready to print and colour...

Kuwait Flag Colouring Page

Kuwait Flag Colouring Page

Here's a Kuwaiti flag to colour in. You will need the typical Arab colours of red, green and black, and the central portion is left white. I think the flag has an almost 3D effect!

Kyrgyzstan Colouring Flag

Kyrgyzstan Colouring Flag

This is an interesting colouring in flag belonging to Kyrgyzstan. The background is red and the sun shape is yellow. The cross design in the middle represents the traditional Kyrgyz yurt (a kind of tent).

Laos Flag Colouring Page

Laos Flag Colouring Page

Here's a colouring flag for Laos. The circle in the middle - which should be left white, is said to represent the moon shining on the Mekong river! Colour the central stripe blue to represent the river, and the top and bottom stripes red.

Latvia Colouring Flag

Latvia Colouring Flag

This is a nice easy colouring flag which is perfect for younger children. On the flag of Latvia the top and bottom stripes are dark red and the middle one is white.

Lebanon Colouring Flag

Lebanon Colouring Flag

Print this page and have fun colouring the flag of Lebanon. It features the famous Lebanese cedar tree.

Liberia Flag Colouring Page

Liberia Flag Colouring Page

Print out our Liberia flag colouring page and grab your red and blue colouring pens. The stripes alternate red and white, starting with red at the top.

Libya Flag Colouring Page

Libya Flag Colouring Page

Here is a colouring flag for Libya. Leave the crescent moon and star white, then colour the stripes red, black and green from top to bottom.

Liechtenstein Flag Colouring Page

Liechtenstein Flag Colouring Page

The flag of Liechtenstein is blue and red with a gold crown. Here is a colouring page ready for colouring in, and learning the flags of the world in one activity!

Lithuania Colouring Flag

Lithuania Colouring Flag

Colouring in the flag of Lithuania is a good activity for helping kids remember the flag. Three colours are needed: yellow, green and red.

Luxembourg Flag Colouring Page

Luxembourg Flag Colouring Page

Print out this colouring flag of Luxembourg and grab your red and blue colouring pencils. Leave the central stripe white!

Mali Flag Colouring Page

Mali Flag Colouring Page

Here's a colouring page of the Mali flag to print for the kids. It's a tricolour of bright green, bright yellow and bright red.

Marshall Islands Flag Colouring Page

Marshall Islands Flag Colouring Page

The flag of the Marshall Islands is very unusual and striking, with a dark blue background with white "star" and orange and white "flash" across it. Print out this colouring page so that the kids can colour it in - it's a great way to help them remember.

Mexico Flag Colouring Page

Mexico Flag Colouring Page

The green, white and red colours that you need to colour the Mexico flag were adopted by Mexico on independence.

Micronesia Flag Colouring Page

Micronesia Flag Colouring Page

Micronesia is made up many islans in the Pacific Ocean - so think "ocean blue" when you print this striking flag and colour in the background!

Moldova Flag Colouring Page

Moldova Flag Colouring Page

The Moldova flag is one of the trickier flags to colour in, as there is quite a lot of detail to pick out in the crest in the centre!

Morocco Colouring Flag

Morocco Flag Colouring Page

Why not learn while you colour? Children can become familiar with the flags of the world whilst being creative with colouring flags. This one is for Morocco.

Myanmar Flag Colouring Page

Myanmar Flag Colouring Page

Here is a colouring page of the Myanmar flag to print for the kids. The stripes are a bold yellow, green and red, while the star in the middle stays white.

Nauru Flag Colouring Page

Nauru Flag Colouring Page

Colour in this Nauru flag and then you can add it to your collection of flags, or make some bunting of flags from around the world.

Nepal Flag Colouring Page

Nepal Flag Colouring Page

The Nepalese flag is a very unusual and interesting shape, so the kids are sure to enjoy our Nepal colouring flag. It will really stand out if you are making a flag banner!

New Zealand Flag Colouring Page

New Zealand Flag Colouring Page

New Zealand has a flag which is great for colouring. Refer to our other flag printables to make sure you get the colours right!

Nicaragua Flag Colouring Page

Nicaragua Flag Colouring Page

The top and bottom stripes of the Nicaraguan flag are simple to colour in a striking blue, but the kids will have to take care to get the details of the central design correct...

Niue Flag Colouring Page

Niue Flag Colouring Page

Colour in the flag of Niue and let some sunshine into your life! I hope you have a suitable bright yellow pen or pencil!

Oman Flag Colouring Page

Oman Flag Colouring Page

Here's a colouring flag of Oman to print for the kids. The central and left section is a bright red, while the crest stays white and the bottom section is green.  

Palau Flag Colouring Page

Palau Flag Colouring Page

This colouring flag of Palau should end up with a lovely bright yellow orange "sun" in the middle of a bright sky blue background. It's a striking flag!

Palestine Flag Colouring Page

Palestine Flag Colouring Page

Blag, dark red and dark green will be needed to colour in the flag of Palestine. This colouring flag is one of many at Activity Village!

Panama Flag Colouring Page

Panama Flag Colouring Page

The red and blue Panama flag is very striking. Make sure the kids colour in the right sections the right colour!

Peru Flag Colouring Page

Peru Flag Colouring Page

The Peruvian flag might be one of the most difficult to colour in, but we've a colouring page here if you want to give it a go!

Philippines Flag Colouring Page

Philippines Flag Colouring Page

Get ready to colour in the Philippines flag with its three yellow stars and a sun. The top stripe is blue and the bottom stripe is red.

Portuguese Flag Colouring Page

Portugal Flag Colouring Page

For a sporting event or to celebrate and learn about Portugal at any time, here is our Portugal Colouring Flag page.

Qatar Flag Colouring Page

Qatar Flag Colouring Page

The Qatar flag is very unusual and striking, and it's an easy one to colour in. You will need to find a maroon colouring pencil or crayon...

Russia Flag Colouring Page

Russia Flag Colouring Page

Colour in this Russian flag with the correct colours. It's quite large so it is perfect for display when done.

San Marino Flag Colouring Page

San Marino Flag Colouring Page

Here is a challenging colouring task for the kids - the San Marino flag! There is lots of detail in the coat of arms, laurel wreath and scroll that will need some careful colouring in.

Sao Tome and Principe Flag Colouring Page

Sao Tome and Principe Flag Colouring Page

The two main islands of Sao Tome and Principe are represented by the black stars on its flag, so you will need a black pencil - and red, green and yellow - to colour in this flag.

Saudi Arabia Flag Colouring Page

Saudi Arabia Flag Colouring Page

I know that the flag of Saudi Arabia isn't going to be too easy to colour in because I drew this flag rather painstakingly to get the details right! It is just a dark green background but the kids will have to be careful to leave the detail white.

Senegal Flag Colouring Page

Senegal Flag Colouring Page

Here's a colouring page for the flag of Senegal, for which the kids will need green, yellow and red pencils...

Somalia Flag Colouring Page

Somalia Flag Colouring Page

The flag of Somalia is very striking, with its bright blue background and white star in the centre. Have fun with this flag colouring page!

South Sudan Flag Colouring Page

South Sudan Flag Colouring Page

Grab your colouring pencils and print out this South Sudan flag colouring page. It's a colourful flag, but the details of simple to colour in.

Spain Flag Colouring Page

Spain Flag Colouring Page

Colour in the Spanish flag with our printable colouring page. It's just one of many flag colouring pages here at Activity Village!

St David's Flag Colouring Page

St David's Flag Colouring Page

The kids will need black and gold (yellow) colouring pencils or pens to colour in this St David's flag. Why not create a banner using our colouring pages for this flag and the Welsh flag for St David's Day?

Sudan Flag Colouring Page

Sudan Flag Colouring Page

The Sudan flag is made up of a red - white - black tricolour, with a dark green triangle on the post side. Here's a colouring page for the kids.

Syria Flag Colouring Page

Syria Flag Colouring Page

Here is a flag colouring page for the Syrian flag, for which the kids will need their red, black and green pencils...

Tajikistan Flag Colouring Page

Tajikistan Flag Colouring Page

The Tajikistan flag will be fun to colour in because of the gold detailing in the centre - a rare excuse to get the gold pencil or pen out!

Togo Flag Colouring Page

Togo Flag Colouring Page

The flag of Togo mixes green, yellow and red, so grab those colours and then print out our Togo flag colouring page for the kids.

Tonga Flag Colouring Page

Tonga Flag Colouring Page

Here's a Tongan flag colouring page for kids - just click on the link below to download a high quality pdf version or use the jpg below.

Tunisia Flag Colouring Page

Tunisia Flag Colouring Page

Here's a Tunisian colouring flag for the kids - a nice and simple design which requires only a red colouring pencil!

Turkmenistan Flag Colouring Page

Turkmenistan Flag Colouring Page

The Turkmenistan flag isn't going to be the easiest one to colour in! There is lots of detail in the "carpet" stripe to keep the kids busy...

United States Flag Colouring Page

United States Flag Colouring Page

Colour in the Stars and Stripes! Just a simple colouring page, but a great way for children to learn the flag and fun to display too.

Uzbekistan Flag Colouring Page

Uzbekistan Flag Colouring Page

Th flag of Uzbekistan has a blue, white and green stripe (in that order, top to bottom) separated by thin red stripes - quite unusual! Leave the moon and stars white.

Yemen Flag Colouring Page

Yemen Flag Colouring Page

This Yemen flag colouring page only requires two colours - red and black - so the kids can colour it in and cut it out in no time.

Zambia Flag Colouring Page

Zambia Flag Colouring Page

Here's a colouring page for the flag of Zambia. It's a great way to help children remember their flags!

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