Daisies Poster
Daisies are one of the prettiest summer flowers - and many of us will remember sitting on the grass in the summer months, carefully making daisy chains and pulling the petals off while chanting "he loves me, he loves me not".
We hope you enjoy these cheerful daisy activities for kids. There's something about daisies that cheer me up, and I love the crafts and printables in this section.
Daisies are one of the prettiest summer flowers - and many of us will remember sitting on the grass in the summer months, carefully making daisy chains and pulling the petals off while chanting "he loves me, he loves me not".
Challenge the children to an acrostic poem using the letters in the word DAISY - such a nice activity for a spring day! These printables also make lovely writing or drawing frames. You will find 4 separate pdf files zipped up together below.
These pretty daisy letters are useful for all sorts of activities, especially in the spring and summer. We also have lower case letters and numbers available.
Print out our daisy alphabet and use it for spelling activities, making names on doors, notice board displays, etc. You could even make a circlet for your little girl's head spelling her name... We also have lower case letters and numbers available.
This pretty daisy bookmark is quickly and easily made with fingerprints by all ages of children - a perfect little gift for Mother's Day or any special occasion.
Here is a simple daisy colouring card for younger children to colour and give. Just print, fold, colour and right a message inside…
Here's a lovely big bold outline of a daisy for the kids to colour - so pretty in spring-time or summer! Why not cut them out and line up a row of flowers on display...
This daisy needs some petals! Can your children draw them in by following the dots? Choose from two alphabet versions or a number version of our daisy dot to dot puzzle.
Learn to write the word DAISY by first tracing with your child's finger over the large letters on this pretty worksheet.
This daisy grid copy is a nice simple design for beginners. Copy each square individually and end up with a whole picture!
Children can practise their handwriting with this pretty daisy handwriting worksheet!
Here's a pretty jigsaw to print and cut out for the kids. Why not store it away in a ziploc bag ready to bring out on a spring or summer day? You'll find instructions and cutting guides here.
Print and cut out these daisy numbers to make counting fun! You could use them in your games or displays, particularly in the spring or summer. We have alphabets to match, too.
Children can sew this pretty daisy picture to give as a gift (mount it and frame in a simple frame like ours) or use it on the front of a card for someone special, perhaps at Mother's Day.
Kids can add a daisy to our stem with playdough. Will it be a traditional white daisy with a yellow centre, or something a little unusual?
This pretty poster of a daisy looks stunning printed out onto nice card and displayed on a sunny wall. You can also cut it out for notice-board displays...
Help the children learn to spell in a fun way with our pretty daisy spelling jigsaw. Print onto card, laminate and cut the jigsaw along the dotted lines. Children need to put the strips in order to complete the picture and spell the word.
Use this pretty daisy story paper (which comes in two versions, lined and with handwriting lines) for story writing, nature study, copywork or thank you notes! And don't forget to colour in the picture, too...
This pretty daisy writing page comes in colour or black and white and would make a nice thank you letter or nature study writing page...
Who could resist this lovely writing paper? It's such a simple daisy design, but so pretty...