Curling is particularly popular in Scotland and Canada. It is a team game, played on ice. Large round flat "stones" are slid across the ice towards a mark, while members of the team use brooms to sweep the surface of the ice in the path of the stone to control its speed and direction. We've got some fun printables and a colouring page here, and you can learn a little more about the sport below.
Grab a dice, turn the printer on and discover how good you are at curling - board game style! Kids will be playing against a partner and scoring points, so there is some adding practice involved too. Please note - we've taken liberties with the rules of curling! The game is for 2 players.
Colour in this picture of a curling team, ready for the Winter Olympics, perhaps.
Curling is the only sport I can think of that involves sweeping! This finger tracing page is a great activity for little ones to practise fine motor skills, do some colouring, and find out about this Winter Olympic sport!
Curling is an unusual sport using a smooth stone and....some brooms. Learn to spell the word, then learn some more about curling!
Curling is a sport that we don't hear much about until Winter Olympics time. Here is a fun poster to display, use in projects etc.
Here is some fun curling story paper, complete with a picture to colour in. Perfect for match reports and creative writing...
No they're not sweeping the floor, they're curling! Use this tracing page to encourage learning letter formation and also introduce this unusual sport!
Use our curling writing page for recording facts and research work, or for keeping score and writing a match report during the Winter Olympics.