Christmas Star Decoration


Once you have made your Christmas star decoration with lollipop sticks, the kids can go wild with their choice of decoration!

Christmas star decoration

You will need:

6 lollipop sticks (popsicle sticks) - we used pre-coloured but you could paint plain sticks before you begin
PVA (white) glue
Ribbon for hanging
Decorations - metallic pain, sequins, jewels, glitter, metallic pens etc


First make your star. Assemble two triangles, using dabs of white glue at the end of the sticks. Catch of loop of ribbon between two of the lollipop sticks so that you can hang your star.

Christmas star decoration instructions

When dry or nearly dry, position one triangle on top of the other and use large dollops of glue at the places the two triangles join. You will need large dollops of glue because the triangles don't lie completely flat!

When dry, decorate your star!


Instead of attaching a ribbon to hang your star, attach another lollipop stick or a chopstick to the bottom of the star so that you can stand it in a little pot to make a table decoration, or poke it into a Christmas plant for added sparkle.


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