American Football Colour Pop Colouring Page
Just for fun, we filled in the background of this American football colouring page so that the kids can concentrate colouring the important bits – the players!
American football fans will enjoy our selection of American football colouring pages and printables - we've got something for all ages!
9th February 2025 will be the next Superbowl Sunday. If you want to watch the game and give the kids some activities to keep them occupied, you've come to the right place! Scroll down for activities to print out and have ready to hand.
Just for fun, we filled in the background of this American football colouring page so that the kids can concentrate colouring the important bits – the players!
Here's a fun American football colouring page for younger kids to enjoy...
Print and colour this American football. It's large enough to paint or perhaps use as a base for a tissue paper collage, too. Or whiy not cut out the football and use the picture as a writing frame?
Here's an American footballer in full gear to print and colour - he looks like he might be on his way to scoring a touchdown!
Young American football fans will enjoy this finger tracing printable! First they can learn the letters and spelling of this very important word, and then they can colour in the picture...
Football is obviously one of the most popular sports in America, so we don't think it will be too hard to persuade young fans to have a go at this football handwriting worksheet!
Use this printable "designer helmet" page to imagine the perfect helmet for your team, or perhaps to replicate the helmet of the team you follow.
Watch any American football game and you can see why these helmets are important! Here is a simple photographic poster of a plain helmet to print for display.
We have provided three sizes of a simplified American football helmet outline to use as a template – perhaps for decorating noticeboard ready for a school game, or for special occasions. You could even use the outline is a writing frame. This PDF file has 2 pages.
Get younger kids involved with American football – keep them amused while you watch the game on TV – with this simple tracing page. Younger kids can choose a chunky crayon and try to keep within the lines. Older kids can trace directly on them then colour the helmet in.
How about this for a way to keep little ones busy while you watch the game? Print onto card and punch holes around the edges for lacing up. Laminate if you want to use it again next year.
Get some practice with your pencil control with the help of this fun American football medal tracing page. Younger children should trace between the dotted lines; all the kids should trace directly on them for even more practice.
This is just a simple photographic poster of an American football, lying in wait and tempting a game! Print it with your borderless settings for best results.
Here is our lovely American Footballer in poster form, ready to print out! Why not cut him out and use him to decorate a folder or school book?
Perhaps your child could write a story about his favourite football team with himself as the star player? Or use this fun printable for a match report...
Getting the ball away from the other team is what it is all about in American Football in this colouring page is sure to appeal to fans! We've left the uniforms fairly bland so that kids can colour them in their own teams colours.
Introducing the all-new American Football Teddy Bear Colouring Page, perfect for kids who love both sports and cuddly teddy bears!
This fun teddy bear colouring page is for American football fans! It has a little more detail than the younger version on the website, so there's more for the kids to colour in.
Grab a chunky crayon for little kids and get them practising their pencil control by trying to trace this American football. Older kids can trace on all the dotted lines for extra practice.
Here is a challenge for the kids! Can I trace over all the lines to draw their own American football trophy? What a fun way to keep them amused during a long football game…
I think this American Football tracing worksheet will go down well with the kids, with the fun picture to colour!
Can the kids complete the picture of an American football player, by copying the details from the full picture below into the missing places in the grid?
American football fans can use our blank printable below to design their own American football shirt! What colour will it be? Will it have a logo, or design, or a number on it?
It's going to be fierce game! I wouldn't want to be facing a lineup like this, but I suppose if you were well-padded and had your helmet on it might be less intimidating. Personally, I prefer to colour pictures of American football rather than play it!
Isn't this picture just great? Kids can learn to draw their own hefty American Football player by following our step by tutorial, putting simple shapes together and ending up with a football star!
Use this design page printable to come up with two different helmet designs for the American football game of the year – or draw on the designs of the teams you will be watching…
Imagine an American football player wearing his pads and helmet, and them draw the one that fits onto these feet! It's a fun drawing challenge for older children.
Is American football one of your favourite sports? You can write about why you love it using our writing prompt, and draw a picture too!