Alice in Wonderland Colouring Pages


We have scenes here from Alice in Wonderland stories – our interpretation, of course – as well as a set of colouring pages of some of the most important characters. Enjoy!

Alice Colouring Page

Alice Colouring Page

Here is a sweet colouring page of our version of Alice in Wonderland. Alice is wearing her traditional dress and beautiful, with an Alice band in her hair.

Card Soldier Colouring Page

Card Soldier Colouring Page

Colour in one of the card soldiers from Alice in Wonderland, standing to attention and making sure that he stays as far away as possible from the Queen of Hearts!

Croquet Game Colouring Page

Croquet Game Colouring Page

The croquet game in the Alice in Wonderland story is one of the craziest scenes. This colouring page is certainly crazy, with the croquet mallet made from a flamingo and the Cheshire cat grinning over the proceedings from above!

Design A Teacup

Design a Teacup

What sort of tea cup would you want to drink from at the Mad Hatter's tea party? Kids can use this doodle page to draw their own design and colour it in. I suggest a little crazy and definitely colourful would be best!

Falling Down the Rabbit Hole Colouring Page

Falling Down the Rabbit Hole Colouring Page

When Alice falls down the rabbit hole, she falls and falls and falls, and all sorts of things are floating down around her. Kids can have some fun colouring in our own interpretation of this part of the story with our "falling down the rabbit hole" colouring page.

Mad Hatter Coluring Page

Mad Hatter Coluring Page

Here is a colouring page of the Mad Hatter from Alice in Wonderland story. He definitely looks a little crazy!

Queen of Hearts Colouring Page

Queen of Hearts Colouring Page

Colour in the Queen of Hearts from the Alice in Wonderland stories. She wears a grand dress and is traditionally all in red and black, like the Queen of Hearts from a pack of cards!

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