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Sea Paddling Poster

Sea Paddling Poster

Paddling in the sea is something that almost all children love to do in the summer time - and this lovely poster captures the fun of it perfectly!

Pier Poster

Pier Poster

Many UK seasides have piers, and it is always exciting to walk down the pier, have a look at the attractions and get a nice warm cup of tea or hot chocolate or an ice cream, depending on the weather. This lovely photographic poster shows a pier at sunset.

Ice Cream Poster

Ice Cream Poster 2

What is a visit to the beach in summer without an ice-cream? This "99 flake" is just what you need on a hot summer's day!  

Parasol Poster

Parasol Poster

If the sun is out on the beach, it's time to put the beach umbrella or parasol up! Here's a fun poster showing exactly that...

Flip Flops Poster

Flip Flops Poster

Flip flops are just the thing for the beach - although if you are climbing around large pebbles and rocks a pair of trainers might be safer. We thought this photo would be a fun addition to our seaside poster set.

Fish And Chips Poster

Fish and Chips Poster

There is nothing quite as delicious after a day at the seaside than a fresh plate of fish and chips - which is why you will always find a long queue outside! Here's a fun poster that makes me want to head to the chippie right away...

Deck Chairs Poster

Deck Chairs Poster

On a hot summer's day you will be lucky to find a deck chair free on the beach - so you might want to bring your own for the oldies to sit on! This poster makes me want to pay a visit to the seaside right away...

Crab Poster

Crab Poster

Sometimes when you go to the beach at the right time, you will find a crab or two to investigate with the kids - what fascinating creatures they are! Here's a poster of a crab, in case you can't find the real thing...

Body Boarding Poster

Body Boarding Poster

Body boarding is exhiliarating - almost as good, if not as good, as surfing, and a perfect activity for the family at the beach! This fun poster shows a body boarding pro!

Beach Huts Poster

Beach Huts Poster

Here's a fun poster of a row of brightly coloured beach huts - perfect for getting us into the summer beach mood!

Bucket And Spade Poster

Bucket And Spade Poster

What young child could enjoy the trip to the seaside without a bucket and spade? The pair in this poster look like they are going to make some really good sandcastles!

Taxi Grid Copy

Taxi Grid Copy

A London Hackney Carriage is the drawing challenge on our taxi grid copy puzzle.

Yacht Grid Copy

Yacht Grid Copy

A drawing and observational challenge awaits with our fun yacht grid copy puzzle. Copy the squares one at a time on to the blank grid to see your own yacht appear.

Steam Train Grid Copy

Steam Train Grid Copy

Look closely at each of the squares on the grid and copy them onto the right square on the blank grid to complete this fun steam train grid copy.

Ship Grid Copy

Ship Grid Copy

Set sail on this cruise ship. But of course you have to draw it first by carefully following the squares.

School Bus Grid Copy

School Bus Grid Copy

Concentration and good observation skills are needed to complete this school bus grid copy puzzle.  

Racing Car Grid Copy

Racing Car Grid Copy

Slow and steady wins the race when it comes to drawing a racing car using our grid copy puzzle. Children need to use the grid as a guide to get all the little details correct.  

Sailing Boat Grid Copy

Sailing Boat Grid Copy

Have fun following the squares one by one on this grid copy puzzle. It is a test of observation skills to get the pattern on the sail of this sailing boat right.

Motorbike Grid Copy

Motorbike Grid Copy

This motorbike grid copy will need some careful observation skills to complete.

Fire Engine Grid Copy

Fire Engine Grid Copy

Fire engines have lots of kid appeal, so keep them busy drawing one with the help of our fire engine grid copy puzzle.

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