Paper Plate Mandala


Who would have believed that a simple white paper plate could look so beautiful, and provide such a fun (and inexpensive) weaving craft for the kids? I would love to see a whole wall of these on display...

Paper Plate Mandala

You will need:

  • Paper plate
  • Colouring pens
  • Wool


Cut points arount the edge of the plate.  It doesn't matter how many as long as there is an odd number. Look at our photos as a guide.

Decorate the plate with colouring pens.

Paper plate mandala - detail 1

Tape a piece of wool to the back of the plate.  Wind the wool up between the points on one side of the plate and down between the points opposite. Tie the end of the wool in the middle where the wool strands cross. This is your base to weave on.   

Choose your first colour of wool and cut a length off the ball. Tie one end to the wool at the middle of the plate.  

Paper plate mandala - detail 2

Weave the wool under one piece of wool and over the next, round in a circle. When you are finished with one colour tie on the next and continue weaving.  

To finish, tie the wool to one of your base strands and cut off the extra.


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