National Tree Week


National Tree Week will run from 23rd November to 1st December in 2024. Why not use it as a time to learn about trees, head outdoors to look at and enjoy the trees, take bark rubbings, collect leaves and seeds, and maybe even plant a tree with the kids?

Many other countries celebrate trees with an official "Arbor Day" at different times of the year.

National Trees Week activities for kids

How did National Tree Week begin?

The Tree Council ( was established in the 1970s to bring people together to care for trees and the future of the planet. Around that time, an outbreak of Dutch Elm Disease had killed many elm trees. National Tree Week was set up by the Tree Council to encourage local communities to do something positive by planting and caring for trees throughout the United Kingdom.

Why are Trees Important?

Trees provide crucial habitat for many kinds of wildlife, including birds, roosting bats, and small mammals. They also provide valuable shade and shelter to both animals and humans in every season. 

Trees can even help with flood defences by reducing the amount of rainwater that enters rivers and streams, which in turn helps reduce the chance of rivers bursting their banks and flooding surrounding areas.

Fun Facts About Trees

  1. Trees are living beings, just like people and animals! They have a root system, a trunk, branches, and leaves, and they breathe in carbon dioxide and breathe out oxygen.
  2. Did you know that there are over 60,000 different species of trees in the world? That's a lot of different types!
  3. Trees can grow to be extremely old. The oldest living tree in the world is over 4,800 years old - that's older than the pyramids in Egypt!
  4. Trees aren't just good for the environment; they're also great for people! Being around trees can help reduce stress and improve our mood and mental health.
  5. Have you ever heard of a "crown shyness"? It's when the leaves of two neighboring trees don't touch each other, creating a gap that looks like they're keeping a respectful distance.
  6. Trees don't just absorb carbon dioxide and produce oxygen; they also help filter pollutants out of the air, like nitrogen dioxide and sulfur dioxide.
  7. Some trees can grow extremely tall. In fact, the tallest tree in the world is over 379 feet tall, which is taller than a 30 story building!
  8. Trees can also be really wide. The widest tree in the world is over 80 feet in diameter - wide enough to hold a car race track!
  9. Trees can be incredibly resilient. Some types of trees can survive extreme weather conditions like droughts or floods, or even damage from forest fires.
  10. Trees can be used for all sorts of things! They provide us with wood for building and paper-making, fruits and nuts for eating, and even medicine from their bark and leaves.

Our Trees Topic

We've got a large collection of tree colouring pages, printable and crafts for you to explore!

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