Guest Blog


Activity Village staff and friends share ideas for how our resources can be used for learning at home, crafts with your own children, or group craft activities. There is lots of inspiration here, so make yourself a big cup of tea, grab a biscuit or two and explore...

Guest Posts at Activity Village

Guest Post - Weaving as a Group Activity

Weaving as a Group Activity

Sarah has included lots of ideas for weaving activities in this blog post. These cosy weaving crafts are perfect as a group activity and it's nice and easy to clean up once you've finished, too...

Guest Post - Drawing with Activity Village Printables

Drawing with Activity Village Printables

Shelly tells us all about her favourite drawing activities using Activity Village printables in this guest post, with some lovely ideas for both younger and older children to try. You can find the links to the printables Shelly used here:

Guest Post - Collage with a Mixed Age Group of Children

Collage with a Mixed Age Group of Children

Sarah shows how to get a large group of children of mixed ages involved in fun collage activities using leftover craft materials, whilst making something unique to them. Here are the links to the templates we used in the projects below:

Guest Post - Two Simple Squirrel Art Project Ideas

Two Simple Squirrel Art Project Ideas

Here are two simple squirrel art projects which you can adapt for all ages of children and result in something that the kids will be proud to display! These pages have been used in the squirrel art projects below:

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