We've taken one of the most famous portraits of the young Princess Elizabeth as the basis for this colouring page. There's lots of detail to colour in here! Elizabeth I colouring page - Log in or Become a Member to download Explore Activity VillageTopicsLearningHistoryBritish HistoryBritish Kings and QueensElizabeth ITudorsTudor Colouring PagesTudor Kings and Queens Colouring Pages
Queen Elizabeth I Colouring Page Don't forget the Tudor red hair as you colour our Queen Elizabeth I colouring page!
Elizabeth I Litter Colouring Page Here's a colouring page of Elizabeth I, grandly laid out on her litter being carried through the crowds!
Elizabeth I Colouring Page 2 Here's a portrait colouring page of Queen Elizabeth I, dressed grandly (as she usually was) with one of her fashionable ruffs around her neck.