Guest Post - Working on Times Tables


Here's a fun idea from Shelly for using a clock face to help children understand their times tables, and then become fluent in them with the help of our flower times table printables!

Working on Times Tables

Times tables are one of the maths areas that we are constantly trying to build on with my son. As much as we want him to remember the answers, I also want him to understand the times table sums - so that if he ever get stuck he can work out the answer for himself.

One of the ways we like to explain any times table is by showing how each step is an extra addition.  So for example in the 4 times table - if 3 x4 = 12 then 4x4 = 12+4.  My daughter would often use this method to work out a times table answer when she got stuck.  If she did not know the answer she would go back to an early sum that she knew and then add on.  We have found that it works really well with a clock face – yes, a standard clock face! It works so well because the clock already has all 12 numbers written out. To start with we just write the times table that we are doing in the centre of the clock.

Working on the 4 times table using a clock face
Working on the 4 times table using a clock face

As we go around the clock face, the kids write out the answer (outside the clock, next to the correct number, so in this example 4x4 = 16 so outside 4 they will write 16). If they get stuck we do a quick addition sum to work out the next answer.

Practising the 3 times table on a clock face
Practising the 3 times table on a clock face

In the photos above we have used the Teaching Clock printouts which come in a number of different colours. We used the ones with a white clock face.

We have also been hanging up a few time table posters around the house. I love the colourful flower times tables posters.

One of our flower times table posters
One of our flower times table posters

We had some fun making a folding version. All you need to do is print out the flower times table posters 2 page and the corresponding topper page.

Cut out the flower posters...
Cut out the flower posters...

Then cut them out and stick only the middle section down. In other words, glue the centre circle of the topper page so it sits directly onto the centre circle of the poster page. Then the kids can test themselves. 

What is 11x 2?

They flip up the petal with 2 on it and they will see the answer 22.

Our 11 times table learning aid
Our 11 times table learning aid

Checking our times tables with our flower learning aid
Checking our times tables with our flower learning aid

Guest Post - Working on Times Tables

Thanks to Shelly for this idea (which she wrote a few years ago when her son was younger).

Shelly is a home educating parent of two children aged 10 and 12. She blogs at ofamily learning together where she shares ideas on the different learning activities that they do including lots of hand-on maths, arts and crafts and anything else that is part of their home educating lifestyle.


Guest Post - Working on Times Tables
Thursday, 24th November 2022

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