Activity Village Blog - What's New?


New Budgie Fun

New Budgie Fun

Does anyone have a budgie? If so, these new resources are for you! We've got brand new budgie colouring pages, puzzles, fun worksheets and other printables.

Guest Post - Easter Egg Fun

Guest Post - Easter Egg Fun

Shelly and her family have fun practising symmetry using Easter-themed printables and templates from Activity Village in this guest post.

Any Golf Fans Here?

Any Golf Fans Here?

If your kids are golf or sports fans, they will almost certainly have noticed the amazing comeback of Tiger Woods to win the Augusta Masters on Sunday 14th April!

Spring Quotation Activities

Spring Quotation Activities

If you are looking for something different for the classroom this spring why not explore our spring quotation activities? We've creative writing, analysing and handwriting activities all with lovely images that can be coloured.

Inspiring Word Art Printables

Inspiring Word Art Printables

We've extended our range of word art printables with these lovely, inspiring messages. We have colouring pages and cards, posters and greetings cards and story paper available for peace, love, faith, believe and dream.

The Life Cycle of a Frog

The Life Cycle of a Frog

The second of our new life cycle topics looks at frogs. If you have some frogspawn in your garden pond these resources will be perfect for you. 

Guest Post - Learning About Perspective

Guest Post - Learning About Perspective

There are lots of different ways to use Activity Village colouring pages and printables. In this guest post, Shelly and her family use colouring pages for their own drawing ideas.

New Maths Nets Resources

New Maths Nets Resources

Last week we began a new section introducing 3D shapes (the sphere, cube, cuboid and pyramid). This week we've added nets for 3 of those shapes, as well as some interesting worksheets to reinforce them.

Find them here:

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