Year of the Rooster Crafts


Have some fun at Chinese New Year with these Year of the Rooster crafts. We've tried to provide an idea for all age groups so that everyone can get involved.

Cup and Ball Rooster Craft

Cup and Ball Rooster Craft

Our cup and ball rooster craft is a little bit tricky so younger children will need some help. But he is definitely worth it! The kids will feel a real achievement when they put this lovely rooster on display.

Rocking Rooster Craft

Rocking Rooster Craft

Turn a simple paper plate and a few bits of paper into this gorgeous rocking rooster. Younger kids will love it!

You will need:

Rooster Mask Craft

Rooster Mask Craft

This rooster mask craft makes use of materials that you will probably already have at home, and is a fun activity to do with younger kids for a farm topic or Chinese New Year. Scroll down for instructions.

Rooster Paper Cuts

Rooster Paper Cuts

Paper cutting is a traditional Chinese technique and you will see lovely intricate designs displayed at Chinese New Year. We've come up with two rooter paper cuts for Year of the Rooster - one with a simpler outline and one a lot more tricky!

More Year of the Rooster Fun

Year of the Rooster Colouring Pages
Year of the Rooster Colouring Pages

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