Year of the Rat
The rat is the first, and possibly the most courageous, of all the 12 animals of the Chinese Zodiac. Being born in the Year of the Rat is therefore regarded as an honour and a privilege, so if you have a baby in 2020, the next Year of the Rat, you are lucky parents!
Don't forget we have lots more Chinese New Year resources for you to explore.
Year of the Rat Dates
24th January 1936 - 10th February 1937
10th February 1948 - 28th January 1949
28th January 1960 - 14th February 1961
15th February 1972 - 2nd February 1973
2nd February 1984 - 19th February 1985
19th February 1996 - 6th February 1997
6th February 2008 - 25th January 2009
Next Year of the Rat
25th January 2020 – 11th February 2021
Rat Characteristics
Rats are clever, energetic and charming - in fact they can talk their way into or out of anything! Rats are often popular and ambitious, and many rats become wealthy in later life because of their hard-work and clever minds. Rats are generally not good leaders as they are too interested in their own plans to pay much attention to leading others, but they are kind and honest, clean and tidy.