Writing Prompts


Prompt children into writing with our varied collection of writing prompts, which can be used with a variety of ages. Explore below!

How to Use Writing Prompts in the Classroom

Writing prompts are a great way to encourage young students to develop their writing skills in the primary school classroom. These prompts are designed to provide a starting point for students, helping them to generate ideas, structure their thoughts, and express themselves in a meaningful way.

To use writing prompts effectively in the primary school classroom, teachers can begin by selecting prompts that are age-appropriate and relevant to the interests of their students. These prompts can take many forms, such as pictures, sentence starters, or open-ended questions, and should be chosen with the aim of stimulating imagination and creativity. We've got many printable prompts below, ready to go, to make your life easier!

Once a prompt has been introduced, teachers can guide their students through the various stages of the writing process. This includes brainstorming ideas, organising thoughts into a coherent structure, drafting, revising, and editing. Students can work individually, in pairs, or in small groups to complete their writing projects, with teachers providing support and feedback throughout the process.

One useful strategy is to encourage students to share their writing with the class, providing opportunities for peer review and feedback. This not only helps to build classroom community, but also teaches students the importance of constructive criticism and revision.

Overall, writing prompts are a valuable tool for teachers looking to foster a love of writing among their primary school students. By providing inspiration and guidance, they can help young writers to develop their skills and express their unique perspectives on the world around them.

Our Writing Prompts Printables

All People Who Help Us Diary Writing Prompts

All People Who Help Us Diary Writing Prompts

There are 24 diary writing prompts in this pack, covering all sorts of professions including "people who help us". We ask children to put themselves into a particular profession for the day and write a diary entry. Kids can make it factual, or get creative!

Autumn Scene Posters

Autumn Scene Posters

Print off these beautiful autumn scene posters to decorate and brighten up the classroom, or put them up on your whiteboard. There are lots of things to discuss on each poster so they're great for class discussions and brainstorming sessions.

Autumn Scene Writing Prompt Story Paper

Autumn Scene Writing Prompt Story Paper

One of these gorgeous writing prompt story papers is bound to inspire the kids to put pen to paper. They just need to choose their favourite autumn picture and start writing!

Autumn Scene Writing Prompt Worksheets

Autumn Scene Writing Prompt Worksheets

Use the prompts around each of the autumn scenes on these printable worksheets to help the children brainstorm ideas for stories and writing projects.

Best Smells Best Sounds Journal Page

Best Smells Best Sounds Journal Page

Here's a fun page to get the kids thinking and writing! What are their best smells? Best sounds? Once they get started it might be hard to pick only a few to write down. Don't forget to sign and date the page and keep it to enjoy in the future.

Brother Writing Prompts - Cards

Brother Writing Prompts - Cards

With these fun creative writing prompts, children can be inspired to let their imagination run wild and create engaging stories about the wonderful bond between themselves and their brothers. These prompts will not only inspire creativity but also help improve vocabulary and language skills.

Cricket Writing Prompt

Cricket Writing Prompt

Our cricket writing prompt encourages children to think about feelings such as excitement, anticipation and terror - as they face their first cricket match as part of a team!

Dinosaur writing prompts - cards

Dinosaur Writing Prompts - Cards

Print and cut out 30 little cards filled with inspiration for a dinosaur story! Our writing prompts will really get their imagination flowing, and are a great way to start a creative writing exercise - especially with reluctant writers.

Dinosaur Writing Prompts - List

Dinosaur Writing Prompts - List

This is a simple list of 30 fun and creative dinosaur writing prompts that can be used in the classroom or home, to spark some really exciting writing from your students / children.

Dinosaur Writing Prompts Story Paper

Dinosaur Writing Prompts Story Paper

Choose from 30 fun creative writing story prompts with a dinosaur theme, ready for your students/children to sit down and start writing! There are 30 different pages in this pdf file, so simple choose the pages you want and see what they are inspired to write...

Fall Scene Writing Prompt Slideshow

Fall Scene Writing Prompt Slideshow

Using the same photos as the rest of our autumn/fall writing prompt resources, this slideshow encourages children to "put themselves into" the various scenes and think about the sounds, sights, smells and feelings that might result before planning and writing a story.

Fall Scene Writing Prompt Worksheets

Fall Scene Writing Prompt Worksheets

Picture prompts like this fall scene are a great way to get kids involved in creative writing. The children can think about what they see in the picture, and write some ideas in the boxes provided.

Father Writing Prompts - Cards

Father Writing Prompts - Cards

Print out 30 fun creative writing prompts - perhaps for Father's Day or a family topic, or perhaps for Dad's birthday!

Festive Scene Posters

Festive Scene Posters

There are 4 beautifully illustrated festive scenes in this pack of four posters. They look lovely as part of Christmas decorations or displays, and there are lots of details on each one for the kids to look at and talk about...

Festive Scene Story Paper

Festive Scene Story Paper

Cosy Christmas scenes are the perfect setting for festive stories, and we've got four lovely ones to choose from in this pack. They're bound to inspire some Christmas creative writing, or the kids can simply describe what they see on the pictures...

Festive Scene Writing Prompt Worksheets

Festive Scene Writing Prompt Worksheets

Each of these four festive scenes is surrounded by prompts to help the children brainstorm story ideas, and they're a great way to help the kids gets started with writing some Christmas stories or poetry.

Ghost Paragraph Writing Prompt

Ghost Paragraph Writing Prompt

You don't need to be scared of writing if you use our paragraph writing prompts to help you! This one is all about a spooky ghost, so it's perfect for Halloween...

Ghost Sentence Writing Prompt

Ghost Sentence Writing Prompt

Halloween is a great time of year for sparking the imagination, and the children can write a couple of sentences about a spooky ghost using our Ghost Sentence Writing Prompt to encourage them...

Haunted House Paragraph Writing Prompt

Haunted House Paragraph Writing Prompt

A haunted house is the perfect setting for a creative story, and we've started the kids off with a useful prompt at the beginning of each paragraph...

Haunted House Sentence Writing Prompt

Haunted House Sentence Writing Prompt

Here's a perfect creative writing worksheet for Halloween! Can the kids use our prompts to help them write a couple of sentences about the haunted house in the picture?

Jack O Lantern Paragraph Writing Prompt

Jack O Lantern Paragraph Writing Prompt

Here's a fun writing prompt page to get the kids putting pen to paper at Halloween. Can the children describe the Jack-o'-Lantern on the worksheet, then describe a design that they would like to carve?

Monster Paragraph Writing Prompt

Monster Paragraph Writing Prompt

The kids will enjoy using their imaginations to write a couple of sentences about this silly monster! The prompts at the start of each paragraph should start them off...

Monster Sentence Writing Prompt

Monster Sentence Writing Prompt

The fun monster picture on this writing prompt is bound to inspire the kids to write a couple of descriptive sentences! 

Mother Writing Prompts - List

Mother Writing Prompts - List

Here is a simple printable list of 30 creative writing prompts to use for a Family topic or for Mother's Day. Children can choose an appropriate prompt and start writing.

My Favourite Books Journal Page

My Favourite Books Journal Page

Make a list of your favourite books and sign and date it. It will be fun to look back on in the future. Why not update the list once a year, on your birthday or World Book Day, perhaps?

My Favourite Movies Journal Page

My Favourite Movies Journal Page

Everybody has a favourite movie or two, or three, or four .... or twenty! See if the kids can think about and write down their favourite movies here on this fun page. Sign and date the page so that you can look back on it and giggle!

My Favourite Music Journal Page

My Favourite Music Journal Page

What songs do your children love? Find out when they fill out this fun journal page with their favourite music. Sign and date it and you will have something fun to look back on and compare in the future.

My Favourite Places to Visit Journal Page

My Favourite Places to Visit Journal Page

Children will enjoy filling out (and perhaps colouring in) this fun journal page with their favourite places to visit. Will it be the shops, the seaside, the funfair? Or their friend's house, or grandma's?

My Favourite TV Shows Journal Page

My Favourite TV Shows Journal Page

Most kids have a favourite TV show ... or many! It will be fun to think about which they are and record them on this page. Sign and date it and have a look in a year or so. What's changed?

My Invention Worksheet

My Invention Worksheet

Inventing new things is a lot of fun! If you could invent anything, what would it be? Draw your invention inside the lightbulb on this worksheet then write a little about what your invention will do...

Potion Paragraph Writing Prompt

Potion Paragraph Writing Prompt

"Double, double toil and trouble, fire burn, and cauldron bubble!" Shakespeare himself wrote about witches and potions, and now the kids can have their own turn writing about potions with our fun writing prompt!

Potion Sentence Writing Prompt

Potion Sentence Writing Prompt

Here's a fun writing prompt that's perfect for Halloween. Write a sentence describing the potion, then write another describing what might happen if you drink it - could be scary!

Sensory scene writing prompts

Sensory Scene Writing Prompts

Thinking about our senses is a great starting point for descriptive writing. We've got writing prompt pages featuring 6 very different scenes. Can the children imagine they are in one of the scenes and use each of their senses to describe it?

Sensory walk writing prompt

Sensory Walk Writing Prompt

A sensory walk is a great way to explore the senses, and the children can record everything they experience on this useful writing prompt.

Sister Writing Prompts - Cards

Sister Writing Prompts - Cards

These fun creative writing prompts about sisters will allow children to explore their imagination, creativity, and language skills. They will also encourage them to think about the unique relationship they share with their sister and how they can make it stronger.

Sister Writing Prompts - List

Sister Writing Prompts - List

Are you looking for a creative writing exercise that children will enjoy, perhaps to tie in with a family topic? Here are 30 fun creative writing prompts for children who have sisters, in simple list form.

Some Things I Like About Summer

Some Things I Like About Summer

Sunshine, ice-cream, the seaside, roses and lavender - these are just some of the things I love about summer. Get the kids to write down what they love using this fun printable.

Spread A Little Sunshine Letter Starters

Spread A Little Sunshine Letter Starters

Sometimes getting started on writing a letter or note is the hardest part - but it needn't be! I've always thought that the easiest way to start a letter is just to start writing whatever comes into your head, within reason! Here are some suggestions to start you off...

Spring Scene Writing Prompt Slideshow

Spring Scene Writing Prompt Slideshow

This spring scene writing prompt slideshow is a fun way to inspire some creative writing! Ask the kids to watch the slideshow on your computer screen or whiteboard, then have a fun brainstorming session afterwards to get them putting pen to paper! 

Spring Scene Writing Prompt Story Paper

Spring Scene Writing Prompt Story Paper

We've got 8 lovely spring scenes in this writing prompt/story paper pack. Each page has a spring-themed photograph at the top with lines underneath for writing - perfect for nature studies or creative writing!

Spring Scene Writing Prompt Worksheets

Spring Scene Writing Prompt Worksheets

Spark off some creative writing with the help of our lovely spring writing prompts. The kids can choose one of the spring-themed pictures then fill in the boxes using the prompts to plan a spring tale!

Summer Scene Posters

Summer Scene Posters

These bright and colourful summer scene posters are perfect for bringing some cheer to your home or classroom in the summer, but they're also great to use for writing activities.

Summer Scene Writing Prompt Slideshow

Summer Scene Writing Prompt Slideshow

The summer pictures included in this slideshow should give kids plenty of inspiration for putting pen to paper and doing some writing! Can they brainstorm lots of words to describe their senses and emotions when they see each scene? 

Summer Scene Writing Prompt Worksheets

Summer Scene Writing Prompt Worksheets

Planning a summer-themed story is much easier with the help of our summer scene writing prompts! The kids simply need to pick one of the scenes, then do some brainstorming in the boxes to kick off their creative writing process.

Thanksgiving Dinner Picture Comprehension

Thanksgiving Dinner Picture Comprehension

Can the children study the Thanksgiving Dinner picture scene then answer a few questions all about what they see? We've included the answers on the following page for guidance.

Thanksgiving Dinner Scene Writing Prompt Worksheet

Thanksgiving Dinner Scene Writing Prompt Worksheet

The hardest part of writing is getting started! Picture prompts are an effective tool for getting kids to start a story, so we've put a Thanksgiving dinner scene at the centre of this writing prompt worksheet.

Thanksgiving Paragraph Writing Prompt

Thanksgiving Paragraph Writing Prompt

Prompt the children to write a little about Thanksgiving using our paragraph writing prompt worksheet - the colourful picture of the cornucopia at the top of page should help to inspire them!

Thanksgiving Sentence Writing Prompt

Thanksgiving Sentence Writing Prompt

Inspire younger kids to get started with some writing using our colourful Thanksgiving sentence writing prompt. Can they describe the cornucopia, then write a sentence describing their own Thanksgiving celebrations?

Things That Make Me Happy Journal Page

Things That Make Me Happy Journal Page

Writing down the things that make you happy is such a useful exercise for all children - and adults too! In fact it is now quite fashionable to do this regularly, perhaps once a month or even at the end of every day.

Tractor Paragraph Writing Prompt

Tractor Paragraph Writing Prompt

Our fun tractor paragraph writing prompt page is bound to get even reluctant writers putting pen to paper! Can the children write a paragraph describing a tractor, and another describing the jobs that it does?

Tricks To Teach My Dog

Tricks To Teach My Dog

Write a list of tricks to teach the dog - and then you can tick them off when you have done it! Start with "sit" and "stay", perhaps?

Vampire Sentence Writing Prompt

Vampire Sentence Writing Prompt

Our writing prompts are a great way to fire the imagination! Can the children write two sentences about the vampire, one describing him and the other describing where he might live?

What Makes Me Me Worksheet

What Makes Me Me Worksheet

You could tackle this What Makes Me Me worksheet during an "All About Me" topic, or perhaps at the beginning of a new school year.

Why I Enjoy Musical Instruments Writing Prompts

Why I Enjoy Musical Instruments Writing Prompts

This pack of 23 writing prompt pages asks the children to think about why they enjoy - Music, Musical Instruments, Bagpipes, Cello, Clarinet, Cymbals, Didgeridoo, Double Bass, Drums, Flute, French Horn, Guitar, Harmonica, Harp, Piano, Recorder, Saxophone, Tambourine, Triangle, Trombone, Trumpet,

Why I Love Sports Writing Prompts

Why I Love Sports Writing Prompts

There are 37 pages to choose from in this download - including, hopefully, the sport that your child can be prompted to write about! Each page has a space on the left for a picture and ruled lines on the right. In this pack you will find pages for Why I Love ...

Winter Scene Writing Prompt Story Paper

Winter Scene Writing Prompt Story Paper

This fantastic set of winter writing prompts has a real variety of wintry themes to spark the imagination - from cute winter animals to cosy indoor scenes and beautiful snowy outdoor scenes!

Winter Scene Writing Prompt Worksheets

Winter Scene Writing Prompt Worksheets

Can the children look at each winter scene then brainstorm some ideas to help them plan a story set there? A fun and simple way to get even reluctant writers putting pen to paper...

Witch Paragraph Writing Prompt

Witch Paragraph Writing Prompt

There have been many spooky stories written about witches, and now the children can write their own paragraphs about a witch and a spell she has cast with the help of this prompting worksheet.

Witch Sentence Writing Prompt

Witch Sentence Writing Prompt

Inspire some creative writing with this spooky witch sentence writing prompt. How will the children describe the witch, and can they describe a spell she might cast?

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